Tens of thousands are being driven off their land to make 'conservation parks' for tourists
Hugo Blanco, peasant leader and ecosocialist, 1934-2023
Continue his legacy of indigenous solidarity, ecosocialism and focused revolutionary struggle!
Indigenous fighters resist forest destruction in Peru
Amazon communities organize to stop illegal fishing, logging, and coca growing
Hugo Blanco: ‘Social movements in defense of our territories are our hope’
Peruvian peasant leader on the pain and hope of indigenous struggles
Indigenous organizations in Peru declare state of emergency
Stop assassinations, end land grabs, recognize rights to ancestral territories
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2021
Six new books and six important essays for reds and greens
Indigenous actions have stopped billions of tons of emissions
Stopped or delayed projects equal 25% of US and Canadian emissions
No Hope for Earth without Indigenous Liberation
'The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth'
Crisis in the Amazon: A Planetary Challenge
Can the world's most important rain forest be saved?
The Dakota Access Pipeline and the Long Tradition of Resistance
The Dakota Access Pipeline fight continues the long history of struggle against colonial settler genocide and ecological vandalism.
Indigenous people may be the Amazon’s last hope
“We are protecting our land and the life on it. We have to preserve this life for our children’s future.”
Amazonian community’s lands destroyed for ‘sustainable’ palm oil
With 7,000 hectares of forests destroyed, community leaders and members have faced multiple attempts on their lives, threats and intimidation.
End human rights abuses in forest conservation
“The National Park model of excluding indigenous peoples and local communities is fundamentally flawed. We have witnessed countless examples of human rights abuses in conservation projects.”
Indigenous sovereignty and socialism in Canada
A Marxist perspective on the mass Indigenous movement that is in the vanguard of the fight for climate justice in Canada
Hugo Blanco on the indigenous struggle for land in Peru
"I have taken the term 'Indian' as the title of the book. It is the pejorative term used against us. The whip they use to hit our faces. I have picked up the whip. I find it more appropriate than using terms that soften or diminish the oppression...
Conservation as genocide: REDD versus Indigenous rights in Kenya
Neo-colonial ‘developmentalist’ forces with a green sheen are evicting and murdering people in the guise of conservation and climate change mitigation