The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.
Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.
If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.
- Most vulnerable nations form climate action coalition‘Vulnerable 20’ communique: “Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. Overcoming it is a matter of survival for people on all continents and vulnerable communities everywhere.”---READ-->>
- Fantasy technology won’t stop climate changeClimate negotiators are promising ‘negative emissions’ using a risky and unproven technology called BECSS. It’s the wrong way to go.---READ-->>
- Volkswagen chose profit over the planetThe auto giant only did what the capitalist system demands of every corporation: it put profit first, no matter who got hurt---READ-->>
- FI Statement: Mobilize for change at COP21Fourth International: There is no choice between climate emergency and social justice; it is one and the same struggle.---READ-->>
- Anthropocene heat, part 3: A one way street to climate hell“The effects of climate change are being felt today, and future projections represent a potentially catastrophic risk to human health.”---READ-->>
- Creative self-destruction: Climate crisis and ‘green capitalism’Large corporations get away with ecocidal behaviour by obscuring the link between endless economic growth and environmental destruction---READ-->>
- Australia: United mass action can win climate fightAustralian anti-fracking activist calls for ‘movement of movements’ around concrete demands in November 29 People’s Climate Marches---READ-->>
- Harry Magdoff on the environment capitalism makesBefore the word ‘ecosocialism’ existed, the co-editor of Monthly Review was discussing ecosocialist ideas.---READ-->>
- In Paris, just say ‘no’ to COP21Climate negotiations resume soon in Paris. John Foran argues that the best outcome of COP21 may be no agreement at all.---READ-->>
- Anthropocene heat, part 2: Four degrees of devastationIf greenhouse gas emissions aren’t stopped soon, unprecedented and deadly heat waves will become the new normal in most of the world.---READ-->>
- When did the Anthropocene begin, and why does it matter?“Socialists cannot ignore a change of this magnitude, or treat it as just one aspect of our program. In our time, understanding and responding to the Anthropocene must be at the top of the socialist agenda.”---READ-->>
- Naomi Klein: Capitalism and the ClimateVideo: The author of ‘This Changes Everything’ speaking at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney, Australia, September 5, 2015---READ-->>
- Greenhouse gas emission promises don’t even come closeUnder the latest greenhouse gas emission targets, it will be impossible to keep warming under 2°. The worst offenders include Australia, Canada, Japan, and Russia.---READ-->>
- Anthropocene heat, part 1: The new (deadly) normalA temperature increase of less than one degree has already disrupted the global climate system, and this is only the beginning. Will the Anthropocene bring a totally new climate regime?---READ-->>
- Ecosocialist bookshelf, September 2015Six new books for greens and lefts: Gender equality and sustainable development; Diet of austerity; Disaster profiteers; Climate change and poverty; Ecological economics for Anthropocene; The 1% and the rest of us---READ-->>
- ‘Buen vivir’ and the dilemmas of the Latin American leftAtilio Boron: “What has emerged in Latin American politics is more than a debate over development, growth or the environment; it is a profound controversy over the course of civilization itself.”---READ-->>
- Katrina, militarization and climate changeMilitarized and profit-making approaches to climate emergencies and other crises pose a serious threat to environmental justice, civil rights and democracy---READ-->>
- Manifesto: Act to Stop Climate Crimes!A call for mass action in Paris to declare our determination to stop crimate climes and keep fossil fuels in the ground.---READ-->>
- Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2015Three new books by ecosocialist Derek Wall … The commons in history … The sustainable economics of Elinor Ostrom … Economics after capitalism---READ-->>
- Mrs Engels: Good novel, bad historyWell-written, but totally false, this fictional account of Lizzie Burns’s life with Friedrich Engels thoroughly misrepresents their revolutionary partnership.---READ-->>