Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Climate Justice: 'A potent mix of 46 essays, talks and declarations'
    Ecoclub reviews The Global Fight for Climate Justice The Global Fight for Climate Justice Edited by Ian Angus 284 pages, Publisher: Resistance Books, London, UK (reviewed in “From the standpoint of a higher economic form of society, private ownership of the globe by single individuals will appear quite as absurd as private ownership of one man by another. Even ...
  • London Conference: A Model of Ecosocialist Collaboration
    On September 12, about 100 people attended “Climate and Capitalism,” a one-day conference in London, England, organized by Green Left and Socialist Resistance. by Ian Angus I was invited to participate as editor of this website, and as editor of The Global Fight for Climate Justice, published this summer by Resistance Books. (The meeting was in part ...
  • Imperialism and global climate change
    VIDEO: Ian Angus speaking at the opening session of Climate and Capitalism, a one-day seminar in London (England) on Sept. 12, organized by the Green Left and Socialist Resistance. PART ONE (8:41) PART TWO (10:04) PART THREE (8:33)
  • Class War at the Copenhagen Climate Change Talks
    Climate change too is class war. Copenhagen is the next battle. Editorial from the coming issue of Socialist Resistance, Thanks to Liam Mac Uaid for making it available. In December the world’s rulers will meet in Copenhagen to discuss what they will do when the notably unsuccessful Kyoto Protocol expires. They won’t be alone. Lobbyists from the ...
  • UN Names Evo Morales "World Hero of Mother Earth"
    Bolivian president Evo Morales has been declared “World Hero of Mother Earth,” by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The first indigenous head of state in the Americas was presented with a medal and scroll in a ceremony in La Paz on Saturday, August 29. General Assembly president Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann described Morales as the ...
  • "Climate Justice" Reviewed
    Socialist Voice has reviewed The Global Fight for Climate Justice under the very appropriate headline “Red is the New Green.” Reviewer Jeff White writes: “Canadian ecosocialist activist/writer Ian Angus has done a fine job of selecting and presenting the contents of this anthology, as well as writing and translating several of the items himself. He combines ...
  • A Call to Climate Action
    The following call to climate action was developed last Fall during a meeting of nearly 100 activists from organizations around the world who came together in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss a mobilization on climate change to coincide with the 2009 UN climate conference that begins in Copenhagen on November 30, 2009. A Call to Climate ...
  • Climate Negotiations Understate Adaptation Costs
    Copenhagen negotiations “could end up with a false deal that fails to cover the costs of adaptation to climate change.” Scientists led by a former co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are warning that the UN negotiations aimed at tackling climate change are based on substantial underestimates of what it will cost to ...
  • Climate & Capitalism Seminar, London, Sept 12
    C&C editor Ian Angus is the keynote speaker at a one day seminar in London, England on September 12. Register in advance and save 33% …. The seminar is organized by Green Left and Socialist Resistance. A flyer that includes the full program can be downloaded here.  To register now, use the PayPal button below. Save 1/3rd ...
  • Cree Condemn Tar Sands at British Climate Camp
    First Nations denounce UK companies for supporting “devastating effects on our environment and communities” by Terry Macalister Guardian August 23, 2009 Members of the Cree aboriginal peoples are to join the Climate Camp protests in the City of London this week in an attempt to draw attention to corporate Britain’s “criminal” involvement in the tar sands of ...
  • Plantations as sinks: CDM fraud at its worst
    Creating tree plantations is no way to cut emissions World Rainforest Movement Bulletin, August 2009 While for the majority of humanity climate change spells disaster, a few corporate-minded people perceive it as a good business opportunity. The way they see it, climate change is about carbon emissions and carbon can be traded as a commodity in the ...
  • The False Promise of Energy Efficiency
    The popular concept of energy efficiency, as an uncoordinated amalgam of individualistic life style choices, will only worsen the crises of energy exhaustion and global warming. by Don Fitz An action can have opposite effects, depending on its social contexts. An isolated individual who protests company policy by refusing to go to work could well get ...
  • Nile Delta: "The rising sea will conquer our lands."
    Even the most optimistic predictions of global temperature increase will still displace millions of Egyptians from one of the most densely populated regions on earth. by Jack Shenker The Guardian, 21 August 2009 Maged Shamdy’s ancestors arrived on the shores of Lake Burrulus in the mid-19th century. In the dusty heat of Cairo at the time, French industrialists ...
  • Countdown to Copenhagen
    UN leader: “If we continue at this rate we’re not going to make it” by Julio Godoy Inter Press Service, Aug 17, 2009 The disappointing results of negotiations in Bonn last week are indication that industrialised countries are unwilling to make substantial contributions to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. They failed once again to meet the expectations formulated ...
  • 'Green' B.C. Liberals Subsidize Gas and Oil Expansion
    The “environmentalist” establishment hailed British Columbia’s Liberal government as the greenest in North America when it implemented a minuscule carbon tax. What do they say now? Calgary Herald, August 6, 2009 CALGARY – The British Columbia government this morning announced a major stimulus program to kick-start its oil and gas industry, including a package of royalty incentives and ...
  • Carbon Offsets: A Dangerous Distraction
    Friends of the Earth explain why offsetting is a dangerous distraction from the urgent business of decarbonizing the world’s economies. CDM and related offset plans can’t be reformed: they must be scrapped. The following is the Executive Summary of Friends of the Earth’s new report, A Dangerous Distraction, which examines the record of the main offset ...
  • Peterloo: Ye are many – they are few
    Today is the 190th anniversary of the day when English cavalry attacked a peaceful crowd of 60,000 in Manchester, gathered to call for democratic rights. The event is remembered as the Peterloo, a word that combines the location of the attack, St. Peters Field,  with an ironic reference to the recent British military victory at ...
  • Australian Emissions Trading Plan Rejected
    Some environmentalists view the rejection of the Australian Labor government’s emissions trading plan as a defeat for green politics. Socialists disagree. Statement on the Senate rejection of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme The Socialist Alliance welcomes the Senate’s rejection of the Rudd Government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. We commend the Greens Senators for their principled opposition, which reflects the viewpoint ...
  • The Rise and Fall of the Irish Greens
    Another case of the inevitable fate that follows when Green parties adopt the creed of “neither Left nor Right, but Green” by Joseph Healy (Green Left Weekly, August 8, 2009) I joined the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) in 2002. In 2006, as part of a group of Irish Greens members in London, ...
  • Peru plans more Amazon oil auctions
    Despite protests by indigenous people, the head of government energy agency says that this fall they will auction still more blocks traditional indigenous lands to oil and gas companies Despite violent protests by indigenous groups over plans to expand oil and gas exploration in the Peru’s Amazon rainforest, energy investments in the ...