Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Canada's Climate Change Report Card: Total Failure
    “Nowhere else on Earth do fewer people steward more resources, yet Canada now stands dead last among the G8 Nations in protecting our shared home from the threat of dangerous climate change” Canwest News Service, July 1, 2009) Canada is doing the least of any of the world’s wealthiest countries to fight climate change, says a damning ...
  • The Burning Season: Can carbon trading save our forests?
    In review: The Burning Season. Screened in 2008 by ABC (Australia), BBC (UK), and CBC (Canada). Distributed worldwide by National Geographic International. Now showing in theatres in Australia By Susan Austin Susan Austin, a member of the Democratic Socialist Perspective, and the Socialist Alliance, is a climate activist in Tasmania. From Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Along with ...
  • Urban Agriculture and Food Sovereignty in Cuba
    The following is the text of a talk given by Jorge Soberon, Cuba’s Consul General in Toronto, Canada, to a meeting of food sovereignty sponsored by the Venezuela We Are With You Coalition (CVEC). As a sovereign country, Cuba is working to develop its food industry and reduce dependence on food imports. Cuba is working to ...
  • Australian ecosocialist at climate rally: 'Yes we can!'
    John Rice, a member of the Climate Emergency Action Network (CLEAN) in South Australia and a founder of the Adelaide Ecosocialist Network, spoke at the June 13 Climate Emergency Rally in Adelaide. This article is based on his speech. from Green Left Weekly, 29 June 2009 The numbers of people who came out on a cold Adelaide ...
  • A fight for the Amazon that should inspire the world
    Of course, the oil companies will regroup and return – but this is an inspirational victory for the forces of sanity that will be hard to reverse by Johann Hari The Independent, June 24, 2009 While the world nervously watches the uprising in Iran, an even more important uprising has been passing unnoticed – yet its outcome will ...
  • The Oil Intensity of Food
    Although attention commonly focuses on energy use on the farm, agriculture accounts for only one fifth of the energy used in the U.S. food system, The modern food system that evolved when oil was cheap will not survive as it is now structured. By Lester Brown from Grist, June 25, 2009 Today we are an oil-based civilization, one ...
  • British Ecosocialists Plan 'Climate & Capitalism' Seminar
    Green Left and Socialist Resistance announce joint educational event in london, September 12. C&C editor Ian Angus to be keynote speaker. Planned for Saturday September 12, Climate and Capitalism is the first seminar organised jointly by Green Left and Socialist Resistance, the ecosocialist currents in two of Britain’s left parties, the Greens and ...
  • Monbiot on the U.S. Climate Change Bill
    From George Monbiot’s Blog. The Guardian, June 26 2009 It would be laughable anywhere else. But, so everyone says, the Waxman-Markey bill which is likely to be passed in Congress today or tomorrow, is the best we can expect – from America. The cuts it proposes are much lower than those being pursued in the UK or in ...
  • What's Next for the Ecosocialist International Network?
    The Ecosocialist International Network was founded with great enthusiasm and optimism in October 2007, but since then it seems to have stalled. A discussion has begun on what needs to be done now. By Ian Angus I was one of the original ‘group of four’ who called for a new international organization of ecosocialists in 2007. I ...
  • UK climate change policies 'dangerously optimistic'
    The UK government’s policies are significantly stronger than those of the Canada and the United States – but scientists say they still have only a 50-50 chance of keeping global warming below 2 degrees by Felicity Carus UK Guadian, June 23, 2009 A leading UK climate scientist today warned MPs that the government’s climate change policies are ...
  • UK Green Left Holds Annual General Meeting
    Joseph Healy has been elected by Lambeth Green Party to stand as the Parliamentary Candidate for the Vauxhall Constituency at the next general election. This report is from his blog. Green Left is now 3 years old and had its AGM on Saturday in Archway, north London. We had members present from Norwich, Manchester, Luton, Brighton, ...
  • World Hunger Reaches 1 Billion Mark
    A system in which more than a billion people live in hunger, and under which millions of people literally starve to death every year, is a murderous system. There is no other word for it. (An email from Scott Harrison, who maintains the and web sites.) The article below brings out one major aspect of ...
  • Gov't Report: Climate change already affects U.S.
    ‘Climate changes are already affecting water, energy, transportation, agriculture, ecosystems, and health. These impacts are different from region to region and will grow under projected climate change.’ The government-sponsored United States Global Change Research Program has released a 196-page report on Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States. Described as “the most comprehensive and authoritative ...
  • Climate Driven Migration Has Begun
    Forecasts of environmental migration vary widely – the intergovernmental International Organization for Migration estimates that 200 million people will be displaced by 2050, while the respected charity Christian Aid predicts 700 million in the same time frame. More important than specific 40-year forecasts is the conclusion of In Search of Shelter that climate change ...
  • Nigeria: The Evidence Shell Tried to Bury
    Oil giant Shell paid $15.5 million to end a lawsuit over its role in the state murder of nine environmental activists in Nigeria. Here’s some of the evidence they were hoping to keep secret. by Paddy McGuffin Morning Star, June 14, 2009 The Morning Star can reveal today the evidence that Shell tried to hide with last week’s ...
  • More on Australia's Climate Emergency Protests
    Thousands rally for 100% renewables by 2020 … reports from Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, Wollongong, Brisbane, Perth, and Cairns Thousands took the streets on June 13 for the National Climate Emergency Rallies. Protesters declared a climate emergency and demanded the Australian government take emergency action on climate change. The rallies were ...
  • Climate Emergency Marches in Australia, June 13
    Video:  The Climate Change Emergency march in Sydney on June 13, 2009 marched from Millers Point on Sydney Harbour to the Prime Minister’s office in Philip St, where a short sit down took place. There were marches in all state capitals and other cities as well. [See for more on these and ...
  • In Papua New Guinea: Barrick Gold vs Indigenous Peoples
    Violence is not new to the Porgera Valley in Papua New Guinea’s central highlands, but since the gold mine came it has changed. At the centre is the world’s biggest gold miner, Barrick Gold Corporation of Canada. By Nick O’Malley Sydney Morning Herald, June 10, 2009 The convoy of LandCruisers halted at the base of the hill ...
  • New Book: The Global Fight for Climate Justice
    Resistance Books announces a new book from the editor of Climate and Capitalism. Please post and distribute this announcement widely. New Book Announcement THE GLOBAL FIGHT FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE Editor: Ian Angus Publisher: Resistance Books (London) ISBN: 978-0-902869-87-5 Publication Date: July 2009 Trade paperback: 6” x 9” (15cm x 23cm) 284 pages “Essential reading for everyone who is serious about confronting the climate emergency.”-Emma ...
  • Economic crisis and food sovereignty
    Video: Around the world, hunger is growing, while millions of working farmers face ruin. Even in Canada, unsound and dangerous corporate practices menace our food supply. The worldwide movement for food sovereignty aims to ensure peoples’ capacity to shape their own food production systems, free from control by agribusiness giants. This is a common task in ...