Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Ecosocialism
Capitalist Pigs: Pigs, pork, and power in America
First meeting of Global Ecosocialist Network issues Covid-19 statement
Angus interview in Peruvian indigenous newspaper
Making the case that green politics must be ecosocialist
Ecosocialism or barbarism: African journal interviews C&C editor Ian Angus
Organizing to amplify ecosocialist voices around the world
Announcing the Global Ecosocialist Network
A system that steals from our future
Capitalism versus Life on Earth
Socialism is the only realistic solution to climate change
China and the Prospects for a Global Ecological Civilization
Marx’s notebooks and the origins of Marxist ecology
Rojava: A practical example of ecosocialism?
How fast is the climate changing?
The Discovery and Rediscovery of Metabolic Rift
20 Essential Books on Marxist Ecology (Updated)
‘An important contribution to the fight to stop capitalist destruction’
Fred Magdoff on Climate Change, Capitalism, and Socialism
Challenging capitalism is the ultimate climate mitigation strategy
Barry Commoner: The systems we depend on are upside down
The ecosocialist views of Karl Marx – An interview with Kohei Saito
On the future of farming and ecomodernist illusions
Fossil capitalism, ecosocialism, and the Anthropocene crisis
Ecosocialists debate the Green New Deal (continued)
No shortcuts: The climate revolution must be ecosocialist
New contributions to the theory and practice of Marxist Ecosocialism
How would a revolutionary government protect the environment?
If capitalism must end, what should replace it?
Guiding principles for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal
Illusion or Advance? Ecosocialists debate the ‘Green New Deal’
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