Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Climate Change
James Hansen: Sea level disaster ahead, but when?
Follow-up: Did early humans cause extinction of mammoths?
U.S. veterans: Dismantle the anti-climate, pro-war economy
Science confirms: 2014 was the hottest year on record
No, We are not headed for a little ice age
NASA: More emissions = More megadroughts
An ecosocialist at the ‘Our Common Future’ conference
U.S. government underestimates flood risks by up to five feet
Naomi Klein, Vatican unite to fight climate change
Ecosocialist bookshelf, June 2015
Net Zero is not Zero: The G7’s decarbonization hoax
Full text of pope’s statement on environment and exploitation
Avaaz and Greenpeace spread G7 climate illusions
Green capitalism: the god that failed
Global warming: the ‘slowdown’ that never happened
Trade unions organize for Paris climate talks
ITUC calls global union climate summit
Naomi Klein: To fight climate change we must fight capitalism
400 ppm – an eco-political music video
Corporate greenwashing on Earth Day in New York
The global warming ‘pause’ is politics, not science
Climate prescriptions that won’t cure the disease
Revitalized climate movement draws 20,000 to London protest
Climate inaction: The appalling complicity of liberal media
30 year record proves the climate has changed
Derek Wall names ‘Five essential books on climate change’
Climate shock: East Antarctica is melting, too
Noam Chomsky: Can civilization survive capitalism?
Pentagon Pollution, 7: The military assault on global climate
The liberal attack on Naomi Klein and ‘This Changes Everything’
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