Three novels by Kim Stanley Robinson: Aurora is monumental and Shaman is a great evocation of the...
Tag - Martin Empson
‘A Redder Shade of Green’ explores the intersections...
Martin Empson says Ian Angus's new book makes the case for a renewed synthesis between science and...
An interesting but flawed take on the Anthropocene
Martin Empson says The Shock of the Anthropocene is a interesting account of the global...
Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were
Martin Empson reviews an important book for activists, a frightening examination of the impact of...
Summer reading for green-lefts and left-greens
Climate & Capitalism is taking a short break. To help you avoid painful withdrawal symptoms, here...
Why changing our diets won’t save the Earth
Received wisdom says that to save the planet we have to change our eating habits. Elaine Graham...