Scientists says this is the fifth or sixth worst drought ever recorded in the United States, affecting more area and more intense than any since 1956
Do revolutionaries control the tar sands pipeline debate?
According to the CEO of Enbridge, yes we do!
James Bay Cree Nation enacts uranium ban
"We are determined to protect our way of life against the unique and grave threat posed by uranium mining and waste, today and for thousands of years to come."
Manila flood disaster: A political response is needed
In the Philippines, on the front line of climate change, poor people and communities are demonstrating powerful solidarity, while politicians promote their careers and corporations worry only about profits
China faces massive pollution challenge
Despite having the world's strongest environmental laws, China faces huge increases in air and water pollution, driven by profit-focused industrial growth.
Swiss ecosocialists translate C&C articles
"The Malthus Myth" and "What's causing the environmental crisis" now online in French
Canada's emissions deception
A new report from Ottawa claims Canada is reducing emissions, but there is much less here than meets the eye. The feds have lowered their targets and changed the reporting rules, and are claiming credit for changes that haven't been made.
Philippines: Urban poor urgently need aid after devastating flood
Massive flooding devastates Manila slums .Another painful reminder that the pain caused by climate change is being felt most by the poor and most oppressed.
James Hansen: Climate change has arrived, and it’s worse than predicted
The leading U.S. climate expert says recent extreme weather events were definitely caused by climate change -- and such events will become even more frequent and more severe.
Asian social movements:Regain momentum in the fight against climate change
Meeting in Bangkok, August 31 to plan action. We need to act and act swiftly. We need regain our momentum and defeat the system by targeting the source. We need to unify our struggles to succeed in our fight for our future.
First Nations unite in tar sands healing walk
Hundreds from across North America gather in Alberta to raise awareness. Delegations from British Columbia and Ontario join to show growing concern and resolve against tar sands infrastructure projects across Canada.
Food production and nature: The deadly paradox of a class-riven society
A continent-wide drought is devastating crop production in North America, contributing to a global food crisis that is manufactured by the laws of capitalism, not the laws of nature.
I don't believe in charity
Edward Galeano on solidarity ...
Algonquin resistance forces Quebec to stop illegal logging
Direct action and public solidarity have forced the Quebec government and a major lumber company to stop illegal logging the lands of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake
Packed Toronto meeting discusses action plans for environmental justice
Attendance at a Toronto meeting on Tar Sands and Environmental Justice greatly exceeded expectations.
Is human behavior controlled by our genes? Richard Levins reviews ‘The Social Conquest of Earth’
Noted biologist E.O. Wilson argues that human traits such as aggression, racism, hierarchy, and gender bias are controlled by our genes. In this exclusive review of Wilson's latest book, the co-author of The Dialectical Biologist discusses why an...
Climate change underlies growing violence in Nigeria
The southward expansion of the Sahara has devastating socio-economic impacts for those living in its path. As desertification intensifies conflicts are likely to increase across West Africa.
A population bomber is outraged
“Conventional people are roused to fury by departures from convention, largely because they regard such departures as a criticism of themselves.” -Bertrand Russell
Shocked and appalled
Part of the price one pays for being an editor is having to read occasional letters from crackpots.
Get the frack out of here!
Hydraulic fracturing, sure, it's making you a buck, While the rest of us get sick and die and you just say “tough luck.”