James Bay Cree Nation enacts uranium ban

"We are determined to protect our way of life against the unique and grave threat posed by uranium mining and waste, today and for thousands of years to come."

Manila flood disaster: A political response is needed

In the Philippines, on the front line of climate change, poor people and communities are demonstrating powerful solidarity, while politicians promote their careers and corporations worry only about profits

China faces massive pollution challenge

Despite having the world's strongest environmental laws, China faces huge increases in air and water pollution, driven by profit-focused industrial growth.

Canada's emissions deception

A new report from Ottawa claims Canada is reducing emissions, but there is much less here than meets the eye. The feds have lowered their targets and changed the reporting rules, and are claiming credit for changes that haven't been made.

First Nations unite in tar sands healing walk

Hundreds from across North America gather in Alberta to raise awareness. Delegations from British Columbia and Ontario join to show growing concern and resolve against tar sands infrastructure projects across Canada.

A population bomber is outraged

“Conventional people are roused to fury by departures from convention, largely because they regard such departures as a criticism of themselves.” -Bertrand Russell

Shocked and appalled

Part of the price one pays for being an editor is having to read occasional letters from crackpots.

Get the frack out of here!

Hydraulic fracturing, sure, it's making you a buck, While the rest of us get sick and die and you just say “tough luck.”