The looming threat of water scarcity

If present trends continue, by 2025 1.8 billion people will face absolute water scarcity, and almost almost half of the world's people will face water stress.

What next for the U.S. climate movement?

For years, we've argued for a mass movement that goes beyond white middle class environmentalists and embraces working people, people of color and First Nations people. Now that such a movement is beginning to emerge, where it is to go?

Inside the B.C. pipeline wars

Book review: Essential reading on the battle to protect west coast land and water from predatory corporations and neoconservative politicians

Should socialists support degrowth?

Don Fitz: "Rather than being dismissive toward ongoing struggles against growth, socialists should enthusiastically participate and point to their anti-capitalist essence."

Marxism as if the planet matters

If Marxism is to live up to its own maxim as a theory to not merely interpret the world but to change it, then it must include strong ecological theory and practice.