Localism is incapable of displacing capitalism or even effectively challenging it because it fails to understand how capitalism works
Chinese leader calls for ecological civilization
A former leader of the National People's Congress says industrial civilization has come to a dead end and an ecological civilization is needed
Call for a global campaign to demand climate justice
World Social Forum participants urge broad unity in a global campaign to stave off catastrophic climate change
‘Catastrophism’ book on environmental movement: a prescription for abstention and defeat
Ian Angus responds to a new book that says campaigns against environmental crises promote apathy and strengthen the right.
Pablo Solón: How can we overcome the climate crisis?
We are in a fight for the survival of all humanity. To change the system we need to recover our ability to dream.
Inside the B.C. pipeline wars
Book review: Essential reading on the battle to protect west coast land and water from predatory corporations and neoconservative politicians
Should socialists support degrowth?
Don Fitz: "Rather than being dismissive toward ongoing struggles against growth, socialists should enthusiastically participate and point to their anti-capitalist essence."
Marxism as if the planet matters
If Marxism is to live up to its own maxim as a theory to not merely interpret the world but to change it, then it must include strong ecological theory and practice.
The hockey stick is real, and it's worse than we thought
Global temperatures are rising faster than at any time in 11,000 years
B.C. oil spill response ship runs aground
If they can't get it to a news conference, how will it protect the coast from oil?
Idle No More and Defenders of the Land call protests for Indigenous rights
We know it will take a lot more to defeat Harper and the corporate agenda. But against the power of their money and weapons, we have the power of our bodies and spirits.
A caveat on 'Greedy Lying Bastards'
A liberal movie, not a radical one
Quebec ecosocialist network – ready for action!
The formation of the Réseau écosocialiste, an achievement for Québec solidaire, is part of the process of unifying the political left in Quebec
Latin America's Turbulent Transitions
Book Review: A compelling contribution to our understanding of the challenges facing Latin America’s ‘pink tide’
Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change
A Marxist analysis of farming today, from landless peasant movements to corporate agribusiness
Is population control an anti-capitalist policy?
Ian Angus and Simon Butler reply to a critic who says their opposition to population control puts them in the anti-environment, pro-corporate camp.
Call for an Ecosocialist Conference, April 20, NYC
For a more collaborative left that can grow into something powerful enough to push the climate justice movement toward revolutionary conclusions.
Greedy Lying Bastards. Don't miss it.
A powerful film indicts an industry run by liars
The skewed priorities of Hugo Chavez
Chavez wasted Venezuela's money on healthcare when he could have built gigantic skyscrapers
Hugo Chavez on climate change and capitalism
“Socialism, this is the direction, this is the path to save the planet, I don’t have the least doubt. Capitalism is the road to hell, to the destruction of the world.”