Bolivian reality versus the ‘extractivism’ debate

Some left critics of progressive governments in South America point to differences between 'pro-extractivists' and 'anti-extractivists.' Federico Fuentes says that framework hinders real understanding of the issues.

In Ohio, don’t drink the water!

Nearly half a million people have been told that their tap water is unsafe to drink, poisoned by industrial farming, sewage, storm water runoff and industrial pollution.

How green is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal depends on continued growth. Our focus must be on finding ways to decrease production while increasing humanity's quality of life

Barry Commoner and the Great Acceleration

Long before today's scientists accepted the idea, socialist-ecologist Barry Commoner argued that there had been a qualitative change in humanity's relationship with nature in the years following World War II ... and explained why it happened and...

Evo Morales: ‘Our liberation is for the whole of humanity’

'Only we can save the source of life and society: Mother Earth. Our planet is under a death threat from predatory and insane capitalism. Another world is not only possible, it is indispensable, because otherwise, no world will be possible.'

Progressive extractivism: hope or dystopia?

Continuing the debate on extractivism in Latin America. Don Fitz says it highlights different views on what type of society we are working to build and how we plan to get there.