Under 'really existing capitalism,' science and rationality must be suppressed to protect the rulers' interests, no matter who is hurt
Pentagon Pollution, 1: War and the true tragedy of the commons
The U.S. military is the world's biggest and most destructive polluter. Stopping the war machine is an essential part of saving the earth.
Pentagon Pollution, 2: Military waste sickens land and people
The U.S. military generates more toxic waste than the five largest US chemical companies combined.
Pentagon Pollution, 3: Chemical warfare and Agent Orange
Four decades after the U.S. military fled Vietnam, millions of children and adults still suffer the devastating effects of its deliberately ecocidal assault
Pentagon Pollution, 4: A biological bargain with the devil
The "war on terror" includes massive federal funding for secret research on the most lethal bacteria and viruses with no known cure
Pentagon Pollution, 5: The deadly impact of depleted uranium
The use of depleted uranium weapons in the Balkans and Iraq has left a long-term legacy of cancers and birth defects among civilians
Pentagon Pollution, 6: Weapons of mass destruction in slow motion
During and after the Pentagon's wars, landmines and cluster bombs kill and maim, while blocking resettlement and agriculture in the poorest regions
Pentagon Pollution, 7: The military assault on global climate
The U.S. military is the single greatest institutional contributor to the growing natural disasters intensified by global climate change.
The extraordinary communities that arise in disaster
Challenging common myths, Rebecca Solnit shows that ordinary people often respond to disaster with self-sacrifice, humanity, kindness and basic solidarity
The liberal attack on Naomi Klein and ‘This Changes Everything’
Naomi Klein's inspiring book frightens capitalism's liberal defenders, making them desperate to blunt and undermine its message.
Syriza: A left-green government in Greece?
Syriza's colors are red and purple and green, identifying it as socialist, feminist and environmentalist. Its platform includes all the key demands of the Green Party.
SCNCC: Convention, Jan. 31-Feb. 1
System Change Not Climate Change! There's still time to register, particularly if you would like to participate by phone/Internet.
400 parts per million and class struggle
While no one has a positive interest in destroying the environment, the capitalist class has an interest in blocking the measures that could protect it. Recognizing this class dimension to the environmental struggle is vital.
South African pipeline spill exposes eco-racism
The Durban diesel disaster polluted rich whites' gardens ... but the cause is systematic discrimination against the black majority.
Naomi Klein on racism and climate change
The reality of an economic order built on white supremacy is the whispered subtext of our entire response to the climate crisis, and it badly needs to be dragged into the light.
Peoples Climate Summit speaks for the exploited and oppressed
Outside the scandalous UN meeting in Lima, an unofficial international assembly met to plan global resistance to capitalism and fight for a model of life in harmony with Nature and Mother Earth.
Danger zone: Earth crosses four planetary boundaries
New research finds biodiversity loss, fertilizer use, climate change and land use have all entered danger zones where rapid environmental decline becomes possible.
Social justice is the only solution to global warming
Forget the UN: South African activist says only an alliance from below, linking unions and social justice movements, can stop capital from destroying planetary life.
Visualizing the global water crisis
Massive transformation of the global water cycle is threatening billions of people around the world. This 3-minute film charts the scale of change.
New ebook shows capitalism and a healthy planet are incompatible
If this book arms people with the information they need to convince more people to join the struggle to save the earth from capitalism, then it will have done its job.