Ecosocialist Notebook

Carl Schorlemmer as a historian of science

In addition to his major contributions to the theory and practice of organic chemistry, the Red Chemist authored the first history of the subject, a book written from the standpoint of historical materialism.

Sadness and resistance

Letting Go

Richard Seymour on the world that is being destroyed and environmental melancholy: 'We despair, but we do not submit.'


‘We need a resistance movement for the planet’

The climate movement is central, but we have to fight on all fronts, combining broad defense of human rights and opposition to war and imperialism, with the fight to save Earth as a place of human habitation.

Book Review

Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were

Martin Empson reviews an important book for activists, a frightening examination of the impact of industrial agriculture on the environment, and particularly biodiversity.

Chiapas Conference issues a challenge

Zapatistas urge scientists to join in building a better world

With all the damage that the capitalists have done to the people through their misuse of science, can you create a science that is truly human? Can we work collectively to defend life and humanity?

Carl Schorlemmer

More on the Red Chemist

Carl Shorlemmer's contributions to chemistry were described in this biographical note, published 99 years ago. And there is a statue of him in Germany.

Ecosocialist Notebook

Introducing ‘A Redder Shade of Green’

Ian Angus's new book of 'essential debates at the intersections of socialism and science' will be available soon. Here's what some early readers say about it.

The Forgotten Legacy of Carl Schorlemmer

Marx and Engels and the Red Chemist

Accounts of Marx and Engels’s lives ignore Carl Schorlemmer's influence on their studies of the natural sciences. It is time to acknowledge his rightful place in the socialist tradition.

The Anthropocene Formula

The terrifying mathematics of the Anthropocene

For four billion years, one formula summarized global change. That has changed in just four decades, and if we don't act quickly, human civilization may not survive.

movement building

Climate crisis: There is only one way out

Climate catastrophe can only be averted if people around the globe unite in the biggest, broadest, most effective global social movement the world has ever seen