A new book by Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore replaces concrete historical analysis with an artificial schema
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Private Oceans: The enclosure and marketisation of the seas
Neoliberal policies boost profits for corporate fishing, encourage overfishing, and squeeze out small fishers whose communities have fished for generations
Paul Burkett on Kohei Saito’s ‘Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism’
The author of Marx and Nature evaluates and introduces an important new book on the deep connections between natural science and political economy in Marx’s work
Who will feed a changing world — industrial agriculture or peasant food webs?
Industrial agriculture uses 75% of farm land but delivers only 30% of the world's food. Peasant farmers feed 70% of the world's people using just 25% of the land
Top ten Climate & Capitalism articles in 2017
The 109 articles we published in Climate & Capitalism in 2017 were read by more people than ever before. These were the most popular ...
Ecological science fiction: Two hits and a miss
Three novels by Kim Stanley Robinson: Aurora is monumental and Shaman is a great evocation of the past, but New York 2140 understates both the climate crisis and the solutions needed
“An accessible and convincing case for ecosocialism”
"This necessary book details the full spectrum of environmental issues facing us today, demonstrates their scientific and political causes, and delivers a sobering warning"
Capitalism, exterminism and the long ecological revolution
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Big Bad Fix: The case against climate geoengineering
Technologies that promise a quick fix to the climate crisis actually pose high risks to people, ecosystems and security, and are dangerous distractions from the urgent need for deep emission cuts.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2017
Six new books on democratic eco-socialism, war and the environment, genes and intelligence, climate change and the Roman Empire, the little ice age in North America, and views of the Anthropocene