137 words and two graphs. A climate scientist demolishes the world's leading climate science denier
Latest Articles
IPCC report puts global warming crisis in Anthropocene framework
Implicitly challenging the weak 2016 Paris Agreement, scientists say climate change is part of the broader global emergency and any responses must reflect that.
Plastic plague intensifies on remote southern islands
Plastic pollution is now reaching some of the most remote areas of Earth. Scientists find 100 times more plastic debris on isolated South Atlantic islands than 30 years ago.
IPCC: 1.5° will be bad and 2.0° will be worse, radical change needed NOW
Major report finds that global climate outlook is far worse than previously thought; calls for immediate and sweeping change to prevent catastrophe
Half-Earth: A biodiversity ‘solution’ that solves nothing
Proposals to remove all humans from half of the Earth ignore the root causes of the biodiversity crisis and undermine progressive struggles for social justice.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2018
New books: Essays for Richard Levins ... The Earth is not for Sale ... Defending Howard Zinn ... The Rise of Capitalism ... Degrowth ... Climate Justice ... Below Freezing
Will big business destroy our planet?
Corporate giants are driving the world towards environmental disaster. Will self-preservation force them to pull back and end the destruction?
Science for the People needs your help!
Climate & Capitalism strongly endorses this appeal. The work SftP does is essential to building a radical, science-based movement, so please help if you can.
Thinking about nuclear: Hard choices that may cost the planet
Some environmentalists want both nuclear power and renewables. Richard Seymour says that's an evasion. We must choose, and the choice isn't easy.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, September 2018
New books for reds and greens. Three centuries of factories; Holland in the Little Ice Age; Thinking in deep time; Horizontal Gene Transfer; The physics of evolution