Science for the People needs your help!

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Climate & Capitalism strongly endorses this appeal. The work SftP does is essential to building a radical, science-based movement, so please help if you can.

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Climate & Capitalism strongly endorses this appeal. The work SftP does is essential to building a radical, science-based movement, so please help if you can.

Dear Friends of Science for the People,

Since our first national meeting in Ann Arbor, MI, last February, Science for the People is continuing to build and promote social movements around progressive and radical perspectives on science and society.

In the last year, SftP has supported teaching assistants organizing for a union and tech workers resisting military and anti-immigrant applications of their labor. We sent a work brigade to Puerto Rico in solidarity with a community agroecology project. We produced a documentary about Science for the People’s history and revitalization. And we are in the midst of publishing a special issue on geoengineering, before officially relaunching the long-running Science for the People publication (this time, online) in early 2019.

We need your help to continue to grow. From travel costs to webhosting, organizing is not free! SftP is generously supported by a small group of active members—and we can achieve more with your help.

A convenient and effective way for you to contribute financially is by becoming a patron of SftP via our Patreon site. This will enable you to make an automatic monthly contribution to SftP of any amount you choose. We already have over sixty patrons who have signed up with an average monthly donation of $5, and we hope to triple our support in the coming weeks.

These recurring funds are invaluable to our work, and allow us to envision a transformative impact for the future of Science for the People, as an organization and a publishing platform for radical science.

Thanks for considering it.

In solidarity and struggle,

Emily Glaser, Frank Rosenthal, Chris Dols
For Science for the People

P.S. To learn more about SftP’s activism, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.