Lucha Indigena (Indigenous Struggle), edited by legendary Peruvian peasant leader Hugo Blanco, translates 'Ecosocialism or Barbarism' interview
Latest Articles
Making the case that green politics must be ecosocialist
Essays by pioneering ecosocialist Joel Kovel argue that radical social change is the only way to prevent ecocatastrophe
Pulverized: Capitalism, Africa and Covid-19
In the Global North it is a 'novel threat.' In the South, it extends the common experience of brutal assaults accompanied by waves of illness and death
Burned or buried, garbage spreads antibiotic resistance
New research shows that breathing near a site where trash is burned or buried may be dangerous to your health.
Ecosocialism or barbarism: African journal interviews C&C editor Ian Angus
"A conscious and collective struggle to stop capitalism’s hell-bound train is our only hope for a better world."
Philippines: A weak but authoritarian state confronts Covid-19
Instead of providing testing and basic care, the Duterte regime is attacking the poor. Cuba and Vietnam offer examples to emulate.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, March 2020
Six new books to read while maintaining social distance. Yellow Earth; Socialist Practice; Friedrich Engels; Chicken History; Traveling Plants; Coal and Empire
Global warming is driving increased inequality
The gap between the world's richest and poorest countries is 25 percent larger than it would have been without climate change
‘Venture philanthropists’ seek climate change profits in Myanmar
The last remaining underexploited economy in southeast Asia offers new opportunities for capital accumulation with a green veneer
By 2100, heat stress may affect over 1.2 billion people a year
Study highlights combined effects of extreme heat and humidity, which are especially dangerous to human health