Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • James Connolly: We Only Want the Earth
    A song written in 1907 by the Irish republican socialist James Connolly, who led the Easter Uprising in Dublin, 95 years ago this week. Connolly  was severely injured in the fighting on Easter Weekend 1916. He probably would have died of his wounds, but the British army took him from the hospital, tied ...
  • Montreal Meeting Shows Growing Support for Climate Justice
    Cochabamba+1 — “The first chance in twenty years for such a political discussion embracing forces from both Quebec and Canada” by John Riddell Bolivia marked Earth Day (April 22) this year by formulating the Law of Mother Earth, which — when adopted — will establish eleven new rights for nature, including the rights not to be ...
  • Some Reflections on the Montreal Conference
    Discussions at the Cochabamba+1 meeting posed a critical question: how can we build a truly inclusive network that incorporates voices from across the climate justice spectrum? by Matthew Brett Organizational tensions emerged during the Cochbamba+1 conference on climate justice in Montreal last weekend that merit addressing. My concern is that important messages conveyed during the conference will be ...
  • Tanuro: To stop nuclear, we must end capitalism
    Belgian ecosocialist Daniel Tanuro, author of “l’impossible capitalisme vert,” speaking at a meeting organized by the New Anticapitalist Party, April 1 in Marseille. (en français)
  • Fukushima and Capitalist Inhumanity
    The Fukushima disaster shows once again that for  capitalism,  the health and life of workers,  neighbouring populations, and the victims of the pollution is just an adjustable variable, like wages by Pierre Rousset International Viewpoint, April 2011 Writing after the Japanese nuclear disaster, Dr Abraham Behar, President of the Association of French Physicians for the Prevention of ...
  • UK Government Promised Oil Firms Access to Iraq Oil
    Secret memos show that before the war was launched, British officials promised oil executives “a fair slice of the action for UK companies in a post-Saddam Iraq” by Paul Bignell The Independent, April 19, 2011 Plans to exploit Iraq’s oil reserves were discussed by government ministers and the world’s largest oil companies the year before Britain took ...
  • Climate Activists Confront Anti-Immigrant Fake Greens
    Power Shift attendees stood strong against groups like Progressives for Immigration Reform and made it clear that environmentalists stand with immigrants as we begin to face the realities of climate change
  • Australian Climate Summit Debates Carbon Pricing
    Build a people’s power movement through community organizing, building of alliances and mass mobilization! by Jess Moore Green Left Weekly, April 18, 2011 About three hundred and forty climate activists, from more than 100 community climate action groups, attended Australia’s Climate Action Summit in Melbourne from April 9-11. Some of the key topics discussed were: a carbon price; ...
  • The Biggest Chemical Poisoning Crisis in US History
    One year after the BP oil spill, experts describe the the impact of the disaster on wildlife, the environment, and human health as “catastrophic” by Dahr Jamail Aj Jazeeera, April 16, 1011 April 20, 2011 marks the one-year anniversary of BP’s catastrophic oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. On this day in 2010 the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, ...
  • Renewable power isn’t just safer than nuclear, it's cheaper
    Amory Lovins:“Nuclear is such a slow and costly climate solution, it actually reduces and retards climate protection” On March 25, Bruce Gellerman of the Public Radio International program Living on Earth spoke with Amory Lovins, Co-founder of Rocky Mountain Institute about the true costs of nuclear power Listen to the program here. Transcript: GELLERMAN: There are “dangerously high” radiation ...
  • U.S. Politicians Vote Against Science
    For the rulers of the world’s most powerful country, science is just a matter of opinion ... On April 6, three members of the U.S. House of Representatives proposed this amendment to a bill under discussion: Congress accepts the scientific findings of the Environmental Protection Agency that climate changes is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, ...
  • Farmers Suffer While Food Prices Rise
    Food prices are going up, but family farmers in the U.S. are worse off Since late 2006, crop prices have risen dramatically, reversing a decades-long trend that saw persistent declines in agricultural commodities prices. U.S. Department of Agriculture officials talk about boom times for U.S. farmers, citing their most recent figures on the economic performance of ...
  • Carbon Trading in Europe: An Expensive and Harmful Failure
    Polluters reap big profits, emissions stay high, real action is avoided … and the revised third phase doesn’t improve it. Emissions trading is the European Union’s flagship measure for tackling climate change, and it is failing badly. In theory it provides a cheap and efficient means to limit greenhouse gas reductions within an ever-tightening cap, but ...
  • Third Toronto People’s Assembly on Climate Justice, April 23, 2011
    Join the People’s Assembly on April 23, 2011, and continue the realization of an inclusive, united, and empowered Climate Justice Movement in Toronto What: Third Toronto People’s Assembly on Climate Justice When: Saturday April 23, 2011 Where: Ryerson University Student Centre, 55 Gould St, Toronto Time: 10am-5pm Cost: Pay What You Can (breakfast and lunch provided) ***ASL translation and free child ...
  • Profit Pathology and the Disposable Planet
    The SuperRich are more wedded to their wealth than to the earth upon which they live, more concerned about the fate of their fortunes than the fate of humanity, so possessed by their pursuit of profit as to not see the disaster looming ahead. by Michael Parenti Truthout, April 7, 2011 Some years ago in New England, a ...
  • Why Nuclear Is Not the Answer
    Socialist Worker (UK) has published an unpdated edition of Martin Empson’s pamphlet Climate Change: Why Nuclear Power is Not the Answer, with a new Introduction on the Fukushima disaster. Contents: Introduction Chernobyl – the long shadow of nuclear power Climate change Nuclear power – problems and lies What does it all cost? Nuclear power and the bomb The alternative Transport in the UK Governments and ...
  • Toronto People’s Assembly: A New Approach to Climate Justice Organizing
    Building a movement with “radical horizontality” by Brett Rhyno and Julien Lalonde Brett Rhyno and Julien Lalonde are independent climate justice community organizers who are helping to organize the 3rd People’s Assembly on Climate Justice in Toronto, April 23rd, 2011. People’s Assemblies are a new organizational paradigm in the Climate Justice movement, based the dynamic process of ...
  • Sydney: Climate Activists Outmobilize Deniers 4 to 1
    A note and photos from Peter Boyle of Australia’s Socialist Alliance … Some 8000 people demonstrated for urgent action in Sydney’s Belmore Park on April 2 in a powerful counter-mobilisation to a 2000-strong climate deniers rally led by right-wing radio shock jocks Alan Jones and Chris Smith from Radio 2GB held in Hyde Park. The deniers rally ...
  • Big Coal Lies About Jobs
    When Big Coal  argues for permission to build coal-fired power plants, it always makes big promises about job creation. A new study shows the promises are no more credible than promises of “clean coal.” From the Executive Summary of A Fraction of the Jobs: A Case Study of the Job Creation Impact of Completed Coal Fired Power ...
  • Australian Conference to Discuss Social Change to Stop Climate Change
    Sept. 30-Oct. 3: Three days of feature talks, panel discussions and more than 20 workshops to discuss solutions for a world in crisis by Lisa Macdonald Green Left Weekly, March 27, 2011 It can sometimes feel like we’re losing a race against time to avoid environmental catastrophe and social collapse. Climate change is already extinguishing species, destroying essential food ...