Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Cancún Eyewitness #4: Making ecocide a crime; Via Campesina arrives
    Little progress is evident in the official climate negotiations, but activity is growing outside the meeting halls by Javier Sethness Recent days of the COP-16 negotiations currently being held in Cancún have been little different than the initial days of the summit, for little has been agreed on or achieved. Christiana Figueres, Yvo de Boer’s successor as ...
  • Putting Humans Back into Socialism
    A real socialist alternative requires a “profound democracy from below rather than decisions by a state that stands over and above society”, where all workers are able to develop their human capacities. Michael Lebowitz. The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development. Monthly Review Press, 2010. reviewed by Federico Fuentes Green Left Weekly, December 5, 2010 The onset of the ...
  • Rumors and Pessimism Reign in Cancún
    Rich nations aim to replace the Kyoto Protocol with the Copenhagen Accord, eliminating compulsory emission reduction targets by Emilio Godoy IPS, December 4, 2010 CANCÚN, Mexico, Dec 4, 2010 (IPS/TerraViva) – At the end of the first week of climate negotiations under way in this Mexican Caribbean resort city, it seems a distant possibility that the nearly 200 ...
  • Cuban Doctors Lead the Fight Against Cholera in Haiti
    With a tradition of service in the world’s poorest and most forgotten states, the Cubans are a major frontline force in the multinational response to the raging epidemic PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters, December 3, 2010) – They don’t send out press releases, don’t have public information officers and their contacts are not widely publicized by the huge international ...
  • Grim picture emerging in Cancun climate talks
    Expectations for an agreement at COP16 were deliberately lowered by governments and in the mainstream media in the lead-up to these talks. But what is happening now is even worse by Brent Patterson, December 3, 2010 A picture is starting to emerge from the early days of the climate talks in Cancun. The trend in the negotiations appears ...
  • Climate inaction will kill 5 million people, mostly children, by 2020
    Report released in Cancun today details a large-scale crisis with some impacts increasing by over 300% globally by 2030. From Climate Vulnerability 2010: The State of the Climate Crisis Climate vulnerability by the numbers NEARLY 1 MILLION climate change driven deaths estimated every single year from 2030 if action is not taken SOME 5 MILLION climate deaths estimated over ...
  • Is 'overconsumption' behind the environmental crisis?
    Book Review. ‘Treading Softly’ is important book , but it fails to understand the structural problems of capitalism that have brought us to economic and ecological crisis Thomas Princen. Treading Softly: Paths to Ecological Order. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010. Reviewed by Elaine Graham-Leigh from Counterfire Thomas Princen is a major proponent of the ‘sufficiency strategy’ strand of green thinking – ...
  • Video: Canada Wins 3 Fossil Awards
    Canada is off to an impressive start at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, if what you’re measuring is climate inaction and environmental embarrassment. by Emma Pullman from De-Smog Blog, November 30, 2010 Today, at the first set of the Fossil of the Day awards, Canada took home not one, or two, but all three ...
  • Cancún Eyewitness #3: Protests and Workshops
    Young NGO protests aim to shame the delegates; a scientist at Klimaforum calls for an end to capitalism by Javier Sethness The three points deemed to be central to the success of the sixteenth Conference of Parties (COP-16) currently being held in Cancún—efforts to prolong the Kyoto Protocol, finance climate-adaptation measures in Southern countries, and codify a ...
  • Bolivia: Cancún must not be Can't-cún
    Against these powerful interests, Bolivia believes the only way forward for saving the Earth and its people is mass popular pressure by Pablo Solon, Bolivian ambassador to the UN Guardian, November 30, 2010 As climate talks start this week in Cancún, the common refrain that pervades the media and some negotiators is of “low expectations.” I wonder whose ...
  • Cancún Eyewitness #2: Pessimism and Klimaforum
    There is a widespread lack of confidence that Cancún will produce any agreement at all by Javier Sethness The second day of the sixteenth Conference of Parties (COP-16) summit in Cancún follows much the same as the first, a day that saw Mexican President Felipe Calderón assert in remarks before the delegates assembled in Moon Palace—a highly ...
  • The Climate Inaction Conference
    Most heads of state aren’t even bothering to show up in Cancún. Ordinary people must step onto the stage of history to organize to force the change that we want to see and that is so urgently needed. by Chris Williams “If Cancún delivers nothing, or not much, then the UN process is in danger.” So said Connie Hedegaard, the ...
  • Cancun Eyewitness #1: Checkpoints and Exhibits
    Climate and Capitalism will publish regular reports from the climate change meetings in Cancun, Mexico by Javier Sethness Entering the city of Cancún—site of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change’s sixteenth Conference of Parties (COP-16), which began today—one is struck immediately by the number of areas de revisión—checkpoints, effectively—maintained by the Mexican police, with the support ...
  • Capitalism is a doomsday machine
    Video: Derek Wall of the Green Left speaking at the Coalition of Resistance conference in London, November 27 ——————
  • Eyewitness Report: Tar sands tailings are poisoning muskeg and First Nations community
    “Here we were, standing on traplines and hunting trails that remain in use by members of the Fort McKay First Nation, as the toxic waste covered many hectares with an oily ooze.” by Ben Powless From, November 26, 2010. Thanks to Ben Powless for permission to repost. Photos by Ben Powless The trip out to the tar sands tailings ...
  • How the Alberta tar sands work
    It takes 185 gallons of water, 2 tons of soil, 700-1200 cubic feet of natural gas and 170 pounds of greenhouse gases to make one barrel of crude … ??? Please click! Hat tip to Circle of Blue Water News for this excellent infographic
  • Climate scientists: One billion people will lose their homes
    If drastic action to cut emissions isn’t taken soon, a billion people will lose their homes and three  billion will lose access to clean water by Robin McKie Guardian, November 28, 2010 Devastating changes to sea levels, rainfall, water supplies, weather systems and crop yields are increasingly likely before the end of the century, scientists will warn tomorrow. A ...
  • Video: The Rights of Pachamama
    An emotional and inspiring video that was created as a joint project between five indigenous communities in Peru with the message: ‘We wish from out hearts that these rights we are proposing will be added to and that people across the world recover their harmony with our Mother Earth.’ Thanks to Intercontinental Cry for drawing our ...
  • UN: Emission Promises Won't Stop Dangerous Climate Change
    Even if all the promises are kept — and that’s  unlikely— global warming will pass the danger threshhold in this century by Ian Angus A report issued today by the United Nations Environment Program says the world is heading for dangerous climate change — and the emissions reductions promised by 85 countries are far too weak to ...
  • European Assembly for Climate Justice, Nov. 26-29
    Program details, practical information, and venues are now available. Join us in Brussels for 4 days of debate, discussion, planning, films, cultural events, and action. Where/When Friday 26th: Critical Mass bike ride, followed by social event. Saturday 27th: Workshops, plenary and conference from 9:00 until 22:00. Sunday 28th: Plenary and workshops to discuss strategies for the movement, and plan ...