Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Why Bolivia opposed the Cancún deal
    Pablo Solon: “False victories won’t save the planet. False agreements will not guarantee a future for our children. We all must stand up and demand a climate agreement strong enough to match the crisis we confront.” by Pablo Solon Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United Nations Guardian, December 21, 2009 Diplomacy is traditionally a game ...
  • Who pays the real costs for oil from shale?
    by Kurt Cobb Resource Insights, December 19, 2010 If you externalize the costs of a business activity, it means other people pay the costs—environmental, social and otherwise—and you get the profits. It goes on all the time in extractive industries such as oil and natural gas and mining. And, it is also a natural strategy for ...
  • Bolivia's dissent strips the Cancun deal naked
    Bolivia was not an obstacle to progress at Cancun’s climate talks. It was rather the only nation daring enough to tell the truth. Now only mass mobilisation can shift the power balance by Nick Buxton From Transnational Institute In the famous Hans Christian Anderson fable, The Emperor’s New Clothes, a weaver famously plays on an emperor’s arrogance and ...
  • Cuban statement on Cancun deal
    “The Bolivian delegation is speaking here in the name of the peoples of Our America and deserves consideration and recognition in Cuba’s opinion.” Speech by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, in the closing session of the 16th UN Environmental Summit. Thank you very much, dear Patricia I should ...
  • Church leader slams Canada's PM on climate change
    Stephen Harper fails the tests of truth and accountability by Mardi Tindall, Moderator, United Church of Canada Ottawa Citizen, December 14, 2010 Last week, Canada was ranked the fourth worst out of 57 countries evaluated for their climate change performance by environmentalists. It’s a shameful ranking for a country that could do so much better. As the elected leader of ...
  • Cancun: Climate capitalism wins, everyone else loses
    By Patrick Bond The December 11 closure of the 16th Conference of the Parties – COP16 global climate summit – in balmy Cancun was portrayed by most participants and mainstream journalists as a victory, a “step forward”. Bragged US State Department lead negotiator Todd Stern, “Ideas that were first of all, skeletal last year, and not ...
  • 15 year old warns ruling class: We will fight back!
    “They can’t stop us demonstrating, they can’t stop us fighting back, and how ever much they try to imprison us in the streets of London, those are our streets. We will always be there to demonstrate, we will always be there to fight.” ——————— If you’ve ever despaired about our future, wondering where the next generation of ...
  • Audio: Michael Löwy on Ecosocialism
    Two talks at the Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 7-8, 2010 Michael Löwy, a founder of the Ecosocialist International Network, is emeritus Research Director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and lectures at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences in Paris. Professor Löwy ...
  • In Cancún, Evo Morales led the fight for Mother Earth
    “We came to Cancún to save nature, forests, planet Earth. We are not here to convert nature into a commodity. We have not come here to revitalise capitalism with carbon markets.” by John Vidal (Published as Bolivia’s defiant leader sets radical tone at Cancún climate talks in the Guardian, December 11, 2010) Of all the ministers and politicians ...
  • Friends of the Earth: Cancun deal merely prevents collapse; Leaves Kyoto on life support
    Statement by Friends of the Earth International: “The agreement reached here is wholly inadequate and could lead to catastrophic climate change.” The agreement adopted at the UN climate talks in Cancun has failed to make progress on the most essential part: steep, binding emissions cuts for developed countries. Friends of the Earth International warns that this ...
  • Indigenous activists slam Cancun betrayal; Mass movements are our only hope
    Statement by the Indigenous Environmental Network: “Mass-based movement building is our only hope to overturn the climate apartheid we now face.” As representatives of Indigenous peoples and communities already suffering the immediate impacts of climate change, we express our outrage and disgust at the agreements that have emerged from the COP16 talks. As was exposed in ...
  • Bolivia: Cancun deal is hollow and false; Its cost will be measured in human lives
    Statement issued by the Plurinational State of Bolivia, December 11, 2010 The Plurinational State of Bolivia believes that the Cancun text is a hollow and false victory that was imposed without consensus, and its cost will be measured in human lives. History will judge harshly. There is only one way to measure the success of a climate ...
  • Cancún: No agreement is better than a bad agreement!
    December 9 statement by La Via Campesina: We call on humanity to act immediately to rebuild the life of all of nature, applying the concept of “life in balance.” Members of La Vía Campesina from more than thirty countries from all over the world united our thousands of struggles in Cancun to demand environmental and social ...
  • Cancun: Evo Morales Speaks on Climate Change and Capitalism
    “We came to Cancun to save nature, forests, planet Earth. We are not here to convert nature into a commodity. We have not come here to revitalize capitalism with carbon markets.” Quotes from speech and press conference by Evo Morales, president of the plurinational state of Bolivia, at the UN climate talks in Cancun today, December ...
  • ALBA Governments and La Via Campesina denounce elite climate talks
    The Cochabamba People’s Agreement is the peoples’ solution to the climate crisis Press release – La Via Campesina Cancún, 7 December 2010 La Via Campesina, the world’s largest movement of peasant and smallholder farmers, joined with Pablo Solon, Bolivia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Tom Goldtooth of the Indigenous Environmental Network, Ricardo Navarro of Friends of the ...
  • Cancún Eyewitness #5: Via Campesina protests
    Via Campesina holds panel discussions and demonstrations. Morales speaks tomorrow. by Javier Sethness Recent days have seen Mexican President Felipe Calderón dress in green, test-drive a ‘green’ electric car, and propose that all incandescent bulbs in Mexico be phased out within four years, while U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, conceding that the failure to avert climatic ...
  • Cancun: Canadian and US Activists Condemn Their Governments
    On Global Climate Justice Day in Cancun, US & Canadian protesters stand behind the Cochabamba Agreement, and denounce their governments’ anti-democratic behavior at the negotiations from La Vox: Climate Justice US and Canadian UN COP16 observers and climate justice activists will demonstrate against their governments’ position at the climate change conference by joining the Via Campesina ...
  • Bolivia Responds to U.S. Manipulation of Climate Talks Revealed by WikiLeaks
    Amy Goodman interviews Pablo Solon, Bolivia’s ambassador to the UN, on Wikileaks revelations the United States  used financial and other aid for blackmail, and mounted a secret global diplomatic offensive to overwhelm opposition to the “Copenhagen Accord” Broadcast on Democracy Now!, December 6, 2010 AMY GOODMAN: We’re broadcasting from Cancún, Mexico, from the U.N. climate change global ...
  • La Vía Campesina: "Foil the carbon market plan!"
    The global forum “For Life, Environmental and Social Justice” has begun One idea dominated the opening and first working day of the global forum “For Life, Environmental and Social Justice,” organized by La Via Campesina and its allies at their camp in Cancún: we must foil the carbon markets and the REDD programme which governments intend ...
  • La Vía Campesina: "COP 16 is doomed to fail"
    Statement by Alberto Gomez of La Via Campesina’s international coordination. La Via Campesina Press Release, December 4, 2010 The sixth Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 16) is already seen as a failure that will affect the future of humanity, as its only result will be to strengthen the intention ...