The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.
Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.
If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.
- Climate Change will Devastate River Basins Where One Billion LiveAbstract of an article in the Online Journal of the Ecological Society of America. Subscription required to read entire article. Major rivers worldwide have experienced dramatic changes in flow, reducing their natural ability to adjust to and absorb disturbances. Given expected changes in global climate and water needs, this may create serious problems, including loss of ...---READ-->>
- Interview with an EcosocialistIan Angus was interviewed this month by the Greek socialist newspaper Kokkino (Red). Let’s begin with a large question — what is ecosocialism? ANGUS: Ecosocialism has grown out of two parallel political trends — the spread of Marxist ideas in the green movement and the spread of ecological ideas in the Marxist left. The result is a ...---READ-->>
- Ecosocialist International Network (News Release)This is the official announcement issued following the international meeting of ecosocialists in Paris, October 7-8 FIRST INTERNATIONAL ECOSOCIALIST MEETING On October 7th and 8th 2007, a group of ecological activists from thirteen countries met in Paris to inaugurate the Ecosocialist International Network. The International Ecosocialist Manifesto, written some years ago by Joel Kovel and Michael Löwy, ...---READ-->>
- Ecosocialists Launch International NetworkI’m still exhausted after two days of meetings in Paris, but here is a hastily-written basic outline of the results of the first international meeting of ecosocialists. The Ecosocialist International Network. launched in Paris, France on October 7-8, aims to improve global communication and coordination among activists who are organizing against capitalist ecocide. Participants in the founding ...---READ-->>
- The Red and the Green: Part Two – What kind of development?Continued from The Red and the Green Part One By William Bowles The word development implies ‘progress’ but by whose definition and anyway, what is progress, and where exactly, are we progressing to? Are the rainforest peoples’ of the Amazon for example, ‘given’ progress when they are forcibly resettled and their forests chopped down (for their ...---READ-->>
- World Bank Razed Congo Forestsby John Vidal, Environment Editor The Guardian Thursday October 4 2007 The World Bank encouraged foreign companies to destructively log the world’s second largest forest, endangering the lives of thousands of Congolese Pygmies, according to a report on an internal investigation by senior bank staff and outside experts. The report by the independent inspection panel, seen by ...---READ-->>
- Soil Building: A Better Way to Capture Carbonby Michael Perelman Originally published as “Quick Thoughts on Carbon Sequestration” in Unsettling Economics and MRzine. Posted with the author’s permission. Carbon sequestration is an excessively expensive and probably technically impossible method of capturing significant amounts of carbon. Planting trees is another popular suggestion for sequestering carbon, but a more traditional method has not been mentioned to ...---READ-->>
- Why Algonquin First Nations Are Blocking Uranium Exploration in OntarioA Letter from the the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation and the Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. August 14, 2007 The Honourable Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Queen’s Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1 Dear Premier McGuinty: We are writing to seek your intervention in the impasse that currently exists with respect to uranium exploration in Algonquin territory. We, ...---READ-->>
- Evo Morales: "Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity"The following is Bolivian President Evo Morales’ speech to the United Nations meeting on Climate Change, on September 24, 2007. It should be read injunction with Morales’ letter to the UN, posted here previously. Translation by Climate and Capitalism Thank you. I would like greet the panel, and on behalf of the Bolivian peoples, I want ...---READ-->>
- Brazil's Sugar Cane Cutters Pay the Cost of EthanolFrom 2002 to 2005, 312 workers in the sugar cane and ethanol industries died on the job, and 82,995 suffered accidents while working in cane fields and ethanol plants By Carlos Caminada and Michael Smith (Bloomberg News) International Herald Tribune, October 1, 2007 SÃO PAULO: Manuel Rodrigues da Silva stooped over, wielding a machete to slice through bamboolike ...---READ-->>
- Left Victory in Ecuador: Nation's Institutions to be TransformedBy Roger Burbach From Counterpunch, October 1, 2007 “We have won an historic victory,” proclaimed President Rafael Correa of Ecuador. On Sunday the political coalition he heads won an overwhelming majority of the seats in the Constituent Assembly that is tasked with “refounding” the nation’s institutions. Taking office early this year in a land slide victory, Correa has ...---READ-->>
- The Red and The Green, Part One(William Bowles has been host of the excellent Investigating New Imperialism (INI) site since 2003. He is now leaving that site as an archive, and has launched Creative-I, which, he hopes will be easier to manage because it uses “all the new publishing tools available.” It is published using WordPress 2.3, a platform that Climate ...---READ-->>
- Canadian Mining Company May Be Kicked Out of Ecuadorby Cyril Mychalejko From Upside Down World, September 27, 2007 The Ecuadorian government ordered Canada’s Ascendant Copper to suspend all activities at its controversial Junin project on Tuesday for violating the country’s mining laws. “We will see how the facts evolve, but eventually this could lead to a revocation,” said Minister of Oil and Mines Galo Chiriboga at ...---READ-->>
- Ecuador President Rafael Correa to UN: We Offer to Forsake Oil Revenue, for the Sake of HumanitySpeech by Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, to the United Nations High Level meeting on Climate Change September 24th, 2007 Madam, Co-Chairs, Ladies and Gentlemen:Please, allow me to express, on behalf of the people of Ecuador and of my Government, how pleased we are that this high-level Dialogue on Climate Change has been convened, and to ...---READ-->>
- Cuban Foreign Minister to UN: “A Real Energy Revolution Must Take Place”Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Felipe Perez Roque, spoke at the UN high-level event on climate change in New York on Monday, September 24 Mr. President: We met, as we are doing now, fifteen years ago at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro. It was a historic moment. There, we took on ...---READ-->>
- Evo Morales to U.N.: “Let Us Respect Our Mother Earth"Letter from Bolivian President Evo Morales to the members of the United Nations on the issue of the environment. Sister and brother Presidents and Heads of States of the United Nations: The world is suffering from a fever due to climate change, and the disease is the capitalist development model. Whilst over 10,000 years the variation in ...---READ-->>
- Ecosocialism for the 21st CenturyOver 100 people attended the public meeting on “Ecosocialism for the 21st Century” in Vancouver, B.C. on Friday September 21, 2007. The speakers were: Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or The End of the World and editor of the journal Capitalism, Nature Socialism Hugo Blanco, the principal leader of the ...---READ-->>
- Carbon Pricing Problem: It Doesn’t WorkIt’s an article of faith among capitalist economists that the best solution to “market failure” is “more markets.” Convert the problem into a commodity, and the market will magically solve it. John Bellamy Foster writes: “For orthodox economists, ecological degradation is evidence of market failure. The market is unable to guide firms in the efficient use ...---READ-->>
- DC Rally to Protest Bush Climate Change ConferenceSeptember 28: Come Spoil Bush’s Sham Climate Conference Sponsored by: Chesapeake Climate Action Network, U.S. Climate Emergency Council, Oil Change International, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and U.S. Climate Action Network.In a clearly manipulative move, George Bush is inviting top leaders from around the world to Washington, D.C. on Sept. 27th and 28th to officially convey ...---READ-->>
- More Violence Against Campesinos in ParaguayFrom La Soya Mata – Soy Kills ESP September 20th , Asunción – Paraguay At the end of August an encampment of landless peasants in the neighbourhood of Ka´iho (district of Yhu in Paraguayan province Caaguazu) was evicted, on the orders of the district attorney for environment, Alejandrino Rodríguez. During this operation 7 people were arrested ...---READ-->>