Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Denying Time and Place in the Global Warming Debate
    by Derrick O’Keefe By now, a number of respected activists have ably rebutted the spurious and provocative writings of Alexander Cockburn on the topic of human-induced global warming (George Monbiot by questioning his sources, and my Seven Oaks colleague Charles Demers by questioning his motives). On the northern front of climate change denialism, Znet contributor Justin ...
  • UN: Biofuels Push Up Food Bills
    From Food Outlook, June 1 2007, published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization Based on FAO’s latest analysis, global expenditures on imported foodstuffs look set to surpass US$ 400 billion in 2007, almost 5 percent above the record of the previous year. The bulk of the increase can be levelled against rising prices of imported ...
  • Climate Change CO2lonialism
    By Tim Forsyth and Zoe Young From Mute magazine – Culture and politics after the net According to Tony Blair, the climate change debate is ‘finally over.’ Who can dismiss the economic arguments of the Stern Report on Climate Change? Only a Channel 4 controversialist or two, perhaps, and a few (mainly oil-funded) scientists. The bigger ...
  • The Truth About Kyoto: Huge Profits, Little Carbon Saved
    by Nick Davies additional research by Natasha Gilbert From The Guardian, Saturday June 2, 2007 In autumn 2005, three journalists working for the environmental group the Centre for Science and Environment decided to investigate some of the Indian projects which were trying to break into the lucrative new business of carbon trading. They started looking at four schemes in ...
  • More on Ottawa's Fraudulent Global Warming Plan
    by Ian Angus The Pembina Institute’s Analysis of the Government of Canada’s April 2007 Greenhouse Gas Policy Announcement, written by Dr. Matthew Bramley, mostly uses diplomatic language, but it doesn’t shrink from calling Environment Minster Baird’s claims “misleading,” and even “highly misleading.” Pembina’s report generally confirms the points I made last week, but covers much more ground, ...
  • Pamphlet: Fidel Castro on Global Warming, Biofuels and World Hunger
    This Spring, Fidel Castro has written a remarkable series of articles on global warming and biofuels and their effects on third world countries. Socialist Voice has collected them in a PDF pamphlet, with an Introduction by James Haywood. Readers are encouraged to distribute it as widely as possible. Download here.
  • NASA: Earth's Climate Is Approaching Dangerous Point
    NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies May 27, 2007 NEW YORK — NASA and Columbia University Earth Institute research finds that human-made greenhouse gases have brought the Earth’s climate close to critical tipping points, with potentially dangerous consequences for the planet. From a combination of climate models, satellite data, and paleoclimate records the scientists conclude that the West ...
  • Australian Socialists Demand Radical GHG Limits
    Alliance adopts radical greenhouse gas emissions reduction target May 26, 2007: The Socialist Alliance has adopted radical greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets—95% of stationary power emissions and 60% of overall emissions compared to 1990 levels by 2020, and 90% of overall emissions by 2030. The targets are minima and provisional. In adopting them at its May meeting ...
  • Paraguayan Campesinos Protest Biofuel Production Urgent Call for Solidarity and Support
    A Paraguayan campesino organization that opposes Agro-fuel monoculture is in a state of alert and requires international solidarity. A camp of landless youths from Pariri is being threatened with eviction, and there is an attempt to frame and criminalize the organization’s national leader, Jorge Galeano. From La Soya Mata – Soy Kills, 22 May 2007 Rainforest ...
  • Paraguayan Activists Demand an End to Agro-Fuel Monoculture
    Official Declaration of Chake Ñuhá on the Agro-fuels and Environmental Services Traps Asunción, Paraguay, 24 April 2007 – Paraguay has set a short term goal of exporting agro-fuels. The plan is to export at least 50 million dollars worth of agro-fuels in the next four years and in the same time frame to stop importing at ...
  • Climate Justice Now! The Durban Declaration on Carbon Trading
    In October 2004, representatives from organizations and peoples’ movements from around the globe met in Durban, South Africa to discuss realistic avenues for addressing climate change. The group emerged from the meeting with this call for a global grassroots movement against climate change. The Durban Declaration has not been widely circulated in North America, but ...
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Worse Than the IPCC’s Worst Case
    by Ian Angus Yesterday I wrote: ”Contrary to claims made by conservative critics, IPCC reports are far from “alarmist” — the Panel’s conclusions are a conservative, lowest-common-denominator summary of scientific judgments. That makes the IPCC’s forecasts all the more frightening: the horrors they describe are far from the worst that could happen.” Today I received a news release ...
  • Emissions Trading and ‘Clean Development’ — Climate Policies That Don’t Work
    Critics of the Canadian, U.S. and Australian governments frequently argue that implementing the emissions trading and clean development mechanism components of the Kyoto Protocol would be a big step forward in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Canada, both the NDP and the Green Party call for emissions trading and CDM. But real-world experience shows that ...
  • Ottawa's Global Warming Plan: 'A complete and total fraud designed to mislead the Canadian people'
    by Ian Angus From Socialist Voice, May 21, 2007 UPDATE: An expanded version of this article has been published in the Sept-Oct 2007 issue of Canadian Dimension magazine. It is posted on the CD website. Canada’s federal government is fiddling while the world burns. On April 26, Environment Minister John Baird announced what he called an “Action ...
  • UN Climate Report Says Corporate Polluters Can Save Us
    by Zane Alcorn & Zoe Kenny From Green Left Weekly, 11 May 2007 On May 5, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its final working group report, the third in a series, as a part of its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), aimed at evaluating global warming. The IPCC published its first assessment report in ...
  • Canada in Bonn: a Trojan horse for anti-Kyoto countries
    From Climate Action Network Canada, May 18, 2007 United Nations Negotiations on Climate Change: Canada a Trojan horse for anti-Kyoto countries Bonn, Germany – The United Nations conference on climate change which concluded today witnessed Canada acting as a Trojan horse for anti-Kyoto countries, such as the United States and Australia. Over the two weeks of the conference ...
  • Climate Change: A Guide for the Perplexed
    Check out Climate Change: A Guide for the Perplexed on the New Scientist Website. Add it to your Bookmarks right now — It’s an invaluable resource for everyone involved in the growing movement to stop greenhouse gas emissions. Especially useful — answers to “the 26 most common climate myths and misconceptions” which are: Human CO2 emissions are too tiny ...
  • George Monbiot Interview: "If We Don’t Deal with Climate Change We Condemn Hundreds of Millions of People to Death"
    From the May 18 2007 broadcast of “Democracy Now” a radio and television program on over 500 stations in the United states. Contributions to support Democracy Now can be made at Every week seems to bring new warnings on the consequences of rising global temperatures caused by human activity. A new report from the British ...
  • Biofuel Production in Brazil: Working Conditions Worse Than Slavery
    By V. Hugo SAO PAULO: The recent proclamation of an “ethanol alliance” between US President George W. Bush and Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva has been hailed by apologists for both governments as an advance in the development of alternative sources of energy and a gain for both countries’ economies. In Brazil, this sector ...
  • Fidel Castro: The Biofuels Debate Heats Up
    The Debate Heats Up by Fidel Castro Ruz, May 9, 2007 Atilio Borón, a prestigious leftist intellectual who until recently headed the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), wrote an article for the 6th Hemispheric Meeting of Struggle against the FTAs and for the Integration of Peoples which just wrapped up in Havana; he was kind ...