Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • The Struggle Against Ethanol: A New Challenge to Imperial Domination
    More than 733 delegates and 44 guests from 33 countries attended the Sixth Hemispheric Meeting on the Struggle against Free Trade Agreements in Havana this week. One key topic of discussion was the impact of agrofuel production. from Juventud Rebelde, May 5 2007 Email: By Marina Menéndez Quintero “The owner’s horses get a better treatment on the truck ...
  • Summary of Third IPCC Report Released
    The Working Group III “Summary for Policy Makers” is now online. The IPCC’s Mitigation of Climate Change report will be discussed and reported (and undoubtedly misreported) in detail in coming days. Go straight to the source: download the 35-page PDF now
  • Australian Socialist Discussion: Dossier on Climate Change Now Online
    Climate and Capitalism previously reported that the Australian Socialist Alliance has begun a wide-ranging discussion of a draft program on “How to Stop Climate Destruction.” As part of that discussion, the SA has published a 39-page Discussion Bulletin entitled Dossier on Climate Change. In addition to the draft program and a talk about the program, the ...
  • Fidel Castro: An Immediate Energy Revolution is Essential
    by Fidel Castro Ruz April 30, 2007 From Granma, May 1 2007 I hold nothing against Brazil, even though to more than a few Brazilians continuously bombarded with the most diverse arguments that could well confuse even people who traditionally have been friendly to Cuba, we might sound callous and careless about hurting that country’s net income of ...
  • Stopping Climate Change? Rich Nations Aren't Even Trying
    Giving Up on Two Degrees by George Monbiot From Published in the The Guardian, 1st May 2007 The rich nations seeking to cut climate change have this in common: they lie. You won’t find this statement in the draft of the new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was leaked to the Guardian last ...
  • Full IPCC Report on Climate Change Science Now Online
    In February, Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its “Summary for Policy Makers.” The full report on The Physical Science Basis of Climate Change is now available for downloading. It’s conservative, low-key and understated — and it is one of the most important scientific documents of this decade. February’s Summary for ...
  • Capital and Nature: An Interview with Paul Burkett
    The author of Marx and Nature and Marxism and Ecological Economics discusses the insights Marxism offers about capitalism’s impact on nature and human development.
  • Left Atomics: A Call for Rediscussion of Nuclear Energy
    Anti-nuclear power sentiment among the socialist and progressive Left in the developed world has been ubiquitous. Long time Marxist David Walters offers a counter-argument … David Walters is a founding member and director of the Marxist Internet Archive, where, among other things, he serves as a member of the steering committee and Administrator of the Leon ...
  • Fossil Fuel, Climate and Anti-Capitalism
    This article was originally published, in a slightly different form, by Europe solidaire sans frontiers in French and in a somewhat different English translation from the one below. It is also scheduled for publication in the UK magazine Socialist Outlook. by Daniel Tanuro Tobacco causes cancer, so what would we say to a doctor who, discovering a ...
  • Pan Yue on Ecosocialism and China’s Environmental Crisis
    Pan Yue, deputy director of China’s State Environmental Protection Administration, sparked debate with his essay On Socialist Ecological Civilization, which was published in China Economic Times in September. In this interview he discusses the international ecosocialist movement, and the global inequalities that threaten China’s environment. The interview was originally published under the title “The rich consume ...
  • Australian Socialists Discuss program for Climate Change
    The Socialist Alliance has begun discussion of a draft program on “How to stop climate destruction,” and is inviting comments from others in Australian left and green movements Two documents from the discussion are available on Dave Riley’s excellent blog, Green Lefts:Left Greens. How to stop climate destruction: early working draft under discussion. “Socialist Alliance advocates an emergency ...
  • Comment on "Barriers to a Capitalist Solution"
    An email from John Riddell, co-editor of Socialist Voice:Your post this morning was aptly introduced by this question: “Can capitalist society act quickly and effectively to avoid human and ecological catastrophe?” Note the carefully chosen words, “quickly,” “effectively,” and “catastrophe.” They suggest that the adequacy of the solution is a matter of opinion.For example, James ...
  • EcoSocialist Bookshelf: Five Recommendations
    by Ian Angus Here’s a positive sign for the nascent ecosocialist movement: there are now enough published books on the subject that people ask advice on which to read first. Below are five titles that I recommend frequently. If these books aren’t available in your local bookstore, all can be purchased online. I’ve included links to ...
  • Tomorrow Is Too Late!
    by Tony Iltis from Green Left Weekly, April 14, 2007 On April 13, ABC state and territory governments would be lobbying the federal government to agree to a goal of a 60% reduction in Australian greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. They suggested that if the Howard ...
  • Global Warming: Three Barriers to a Capitalist Solution
    Introduction by Ian Angus A recently posted comment goes straight to the heart of what this website is all about. “Rethinker” wrote: I still find myself uncomfortable with assertions that only socialism can solve the problem of ecological crisis. I agree that capitalism requires constant growth, and that this is ultimately unsustainable ecologically. But does that necessarily imply ...
  • A Terrifying Truth
    By David Lindorff Dave Lindorff has been a professional journalist for 33 years. He has written for such publications as Counterpunch, The Nation, BusinessWeek, The Daily News, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, Village Voice, Forbes, The London Observer and the Australian National Times. He is co-author, with Barbara Olshansky, of The Case for Impeachment: Legal Arguments for ...
  • IPCC: Final Report vs Draft
    There’s been much written about the efforts of diplomats from Russia, the U.S., China and Saudi Arabia to water down the Summary for Policymakers on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. For readers who wish to do their own comparison, here are some useful links: From the IPCC itself: The Summary for Policymakers published on April 6, ...
  • Green Venezuela
    The Principal Speaker of the Green Party of England and Wales argues that capitalism is ecologically unsustainable and that Venezuela’s green policies should be applauded. by Derek Wall “One car each? Our planet won’t stand that – that model of capitalism, extreme individualism and consumerist egotism. The destructive so-called developmentalism destroying the planet is, quite frankly, a ...
  • Politicians and Scientists at the IPCC
    by Ian Angus Information emerging from last week’s meeting of IPCC Working Group II tends to confirm my argument in The IPCC and the Conservatism of Consensus. This time, representatives of several governments opposed to doing anything about climate change tried harder to win changes, but the scientists fought back and won most (not all) of ...
  • IPCC Releases Report on Climate Change Impact
    Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change today issued a Summary for Policy Makers based on its forthcoming report, Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. It’s been widely reported that Russia, China and Saudi Arabia (and possibly the U.S.) made a much stronger effort to persuade scientists to water down SPM-2 than they ...