Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Trade Unionists Discuss Climate Change
    “This is the fundamental struggle to defend the future of our class as well as the future of our planet.” By Liam Mac Uaid The second Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Conference brought together one hundred and sixty trade unionists and climate change activists. This was down on the three hundred who attended last year. Obviously ...
  • The Facts About the Alberta Tar Sands
    In Canada, both the governing Conservatives and the opposition Liberals are trying to shrug off National Geographic magazine’s recent photographic expose of the massive devastation caused by mining the Alberta Tar Sands. Facts just don’t matter if they might undermine profits. Alberta Tar Sands Facts – Judge for Yourself From West Coast Climate Equity Both of Canada’s major ...
  • Concerning the Scientific Knowledge of Canadian Politicians
    Canada’s Conservative Party has the largest number of seats in Parliament, so they are the current government. The Bloc Quebecois is one of three opposition parties: it favours sovereignty for Quebec. This is a Canadian Press article, dated March 3, 2009.  OTTAWA — A Bloc Quebecois proposal to recognize Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as the ...
  • Socialist Green Coalition Launched in South Africa
    “Red must be green and green must be red.” By Norman Traub and Terry Conway From Socialist Resistance, March 4, 2009 Well-known South African activist Trevor Ngwane addressed a fascinated public meeting in central London on March 1, explaining the launching of the Socialist Green Coalition. He introduced the discussion by talking about the election of an ANC-led government ...
  • Karl Marx, Ecologist
    “Even an entire society, a nation, or all simultaneously existing societies taken together, are not owners of the earth. They are simply its possessors, its beneficiaries, and have to bequeath it in an improved state to succeeding generations.” by Simon Butler from Green Left Weekly, February 21, 2009 As the world economy spirals down into its deepest ...
  • Mindful Economics
    Suggested reading for Climate and Capitalism readers  … We hope to review Mindful Economics at some point. In the meantime, here are some excerpts from the publisher’s description. For more infomation, see Mindful Economics breaks away from traditional economic theory and provides a fresh, critical perspective on capitalism in America. The book will be particularly useful for ...
  • Trade Union Conference on Climate Change
    Saturday, March 7, London The huge social and economic changes that are needed to dramatically reduce carbon emissions are of vital interest to trade unionists, as are the methods by which they can be achieved. This conference is a chance to engage and debate with each other on these crucial issues. Campaigners and researchers from the ...
  • How clean is it? It's Clean Coal clean!
    A video response to coal industry greenwash. Thanks to the always excellent DeSmogBlog for drawing our attention to this ad developed for the Reality Campaign  by the Coen Brothers.  The Union of Concerned Scientists offers the following facts about coal plants in the United States. (By way of comparison, the coal-based Nanticoke Generating Plant in Ontario generates 3,964 megawatts — so it is close ...
  • Agenda Announced for 'World at a Crossroads' Conference
    One of the most important annual events for the left in the Pacific and Asia region. Climate change and ecosocialism is a key focus of this year’s conference. World at a Crossroads – Fighting for Socialism in the 21st Century April 10-13, 2009 – Sydney, Australia Hosted by Green Left Weekly.  Organised by the Democratic Socialist Perspective & Resistance REGISTER AT ...
  • New Data Shows IPCC Understated Warming
    New data shows greenhouse emissions are far greater than the worst-case scenario in the UN body’s 2007 report by Renfrey Clarke from Green Left Weekly, 21 February 2009 The key United Nations report used as the basis for climate change policies in many countries, including Australia, seriously underestimated the dangers of global warming, one of its leading ...
  • Film: Tipping Points Ahead
    Presenting Wake Up, Freak Out – then Get a Grip, a short film about climate change and capitalism, by British animator Leo Murray. Wake Up, Freak Out – then Get a Grip from Leo Murray on Vimeo. “I do not have any particular political or ideological affiliation beyond environmentalism itself. The critique of capitalism and consumerism in the film ...
  • Australia's Bush Fires and Climate Change
    What are the ecological and climate consequences of the bush fires that have devastated the state of Victoria? By Dave Riley from Left Click I was wondering if any one has hazarded an estimate as to the immediate and long term ecological and climate consequences of the Victoria bush fires. QUESTION: The total amount of biomass burnt and the ...
  • Harper & Obama: Clean Energy Dialogue or Carbon Capture Shellgame?
    The Obama-Harper plan to invest in Carbon Capture and Storage technology is a very expensive fraud. Both governments are desperate to avoid effective action against dirty oil and dirty coal.  by Mitch Anderson reprinted with pernission from Should We Talk About the Weather? Obama-mania hit Canada’s capital hard today but there was much more at play than photo ops during the ...
  • 'Liberal' College Purges Ecosocialist Activist
    Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature and a founding member of the Ecosocialist International Network, has been teaching at Bard College for 21 years. Now the college is firing him for his public opposition to Zionism STATEMENT OF JOEL KOVEL REGARDING HIS TERMINATION BY BARD COLLEGE  Introduction  In January, 1988, I was appointed to the Alger ...
  • The Age of Stupid
    The Age of Stupid is a 90-minute film about climate change, set in the future, which will have its world premiere in London on March 15 and then be released in UK cinemas on March 20, followed by other countries. “Every single person in the country should be forcibly made to watch this film.” Ken Livingstone, ...
  • Environmental Crises Threaten 25% Cut in World Food Production
    UN report: Unless more intelligent and creative management is brought to the world’s agricultural systems, the 2008 food crisis may foreshadow an even bigger crisis in the years to come (UNEP News Release, February 17, 2008)  A seven point plan to reduce the risk of hunger and rising food insecurity in the 21st century is outlined in new ...
  • Climate Emergency: A Crisis of Democracy
    The government, which is more interested in commerce than humanity, is protecting big polluters instead of people. By Clive Hamilton From Crikey, February 4, 2009 (Clive Hamilton is Professor of Public Ethics at the Australian National University. He is the author of Scorcher: The Dirty Politics of Climate Change, a book that “blows the whistle on the politics of global warming ...
  • Hugo Blanco on ‘ecosocialism’ and indigenous struggles
    At the recent Ecosocialist International Network meeting in Brazil, there was considerable discussion about whether the word “ecosocialism” should be used in Latin America. Concerned that translation difficulties may have contributed to some misunderstandings, the Peruvian indigenous peasant leader Hugo Blanco sent this message to clarify his views. Comrades: At the meeting, in Belem, I explained the ...
  • Ecosocialist International Network Meets in Belem
    Second meeting is larger, with strong representation from the global south By Cy Gonick On February 2, the day after the concluding session of the World Social Forum in Belem, Brasil, an estimated 110 delegates turned up at the second ever meeting of the Ecosocialist International Network.  The first meeting of the EIN, attracting 60 ecosocialists, was held in Paris ...
  • Socialist Views on Australia's Bushfire Crisis
    The dramatic and shocking scenes of the Australian bushfires could not fail to have moved anyone watching them on the news. Here are two commentaries by Australian socialists CLIMATE CRISIS HITS AUSTRALIA by Katherine Bradstreet From Green Left Weekly The heatwave across south-eastern Australia in recent weeks has given a hint of what we can expect as global temperatures ...