Building a Climate Justice Movement in Quebec

The time is ripe for a grassroots climate justice movement based on the Cochabamba resolutions. A gathering of activists  in late August will feature presentations and discussions on the proposed Quebec Coalition for Climate Justice.

by Roger Rashi

The Cochabamba Conference on Climate Change has issued a call to build “a global peoples movement for climate justice.” A novel feature of this call is that it is supported by progressive countries, mainly those of the Alba Alliance (Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Cuba, etc), as well as by social movements, primarily but not exclusively, from Latin America.

A potential pitfall lies in the danger felt by some social movements that they might lose their autonomy, or worse, become a pawn in a “diplomatic strategy” spun by the countries involved. This distrust is expressed, overtly or covertly, by many activists and organizations already involved in environmental issues.

The success of this new alliance depends on a careful consideration, and articulation, of the needs of these two actors: social movements and progressive governments. Already in Cochabamba, measures were taken to meet the respective needs of both. Thus the call to mobilize for the United Nations Cancun conference in November took into account the fact that many movements wanted to build grass-roots national campaigns rather than keep on running from one international conference to the next with meager results to show for all this work.

The proposal to organize a World Referendum on Climate Change has been reformulated to include the possibility of holding popular consultations, a prospect far more realistic in countries where progressive governments are not in power. As for the establishment of an International Tribunal for Climate Justice, it is more than likely that the UN, under the sway of a Security Council dominated by the great powers, will turn a deaf ear to this plea.

Hence the addition of a call to launch public opinion tribunals on the model of the 1960’s famous International War Crimes Tribunal headed by the renowned philosophers Russell and Sartre. This is a much more motivating idea for social activists than a lobbying campaign confined to the UN.

A Quebec action plan ?

Here in Quebec, the action plan proposed by the Cochabamba Conference should encourage us to build a grassroots movement that extends far beyond the existing environmental groups and organizations.

Just like the Bolivian environmental summit, we must seek to involve the trade unions, community groups, the women’s movement, progressive organizations and parties -in fact the entire gamut of social and political movements — in a militant campaign for climate justice.

The targets of this movement should be the failed environmental policies of our governments and large corporations, as well as those of the main international organizations (the UN, IMF, WTO, etc) that are all beholden to the Western industrial powers and primarily the United States.

We must not gloss over the obscenely backward policies of the Harper government. This Tory government is one of the worst international offenders on climate issues. Not only is it one of the key players in scrapping the Kyoto Protocol and engineering the Copenhagen fiasco, but its national policies are properly catastrophic.

According to the widely-respected Montreal daily Le Devoir, Canada at the end of 2012 will exceed by no-less than 34.9% its Kyoto target. This flies in the face of the international treaty endorsed by the Ottawa Parliament in December 2004.[1] The Federal government’s single-minded determination to proceed with the Alberta Tar Sands, the most polluting industrial project in the world, borders on criminal negligence. The Alberta Tar Sands already account for 29 % of Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

As for waging a Quebec campaign for public consultations on climate change, the most realistic approach is the one taken a few years ago to successfully oppose the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas). At that time many trade unions and community groups organized such public consultations across Quebec with great mobilizing effect.

Furthermore, a question dealing with the Alberta Oil Sands, could have a similar educational and mobilizing result. We must bear in mind that Quebec citizens were never consulted on this major industrial undertaking and yet suffer the full brunt of its polluting consequences.

A similar tack can be taken on the issue of a public opinion tribunal on crimes against the environment. Stephen Harper and the major corporations involved in the Tar Sands would make great symbolic defendants in an exercise of this type, whether it takes place at an international level or on Quebec or Canada soil.

Alternatives Summer Camp: the launch of a Quebec coalition?

The 16th “ Journées Alternatives” will be held at Camp Papillon, slightly north of Montreal, from the 27 to 29 August 2010. [2] This three-day Summer Camp organized by the international solidarity network Alternatives, promises to be an early test of this Quebec action plan.

One of the main themes of the camp will be Climate Justice and the opening panel, entitled “From Copenhagen to Cancun,” will feature presentations and discussions on a proposed Quebec Coalition for Climate Justice. Such a coalition would take charge of discussions dealing with organizing public campaigns on popular consultations and climate tribunals.

An impressive list of guest speakers has already been drawn-up for this panel. It includs personalities such as well-known law professor Georges Lebel; Amir Khadir, Québec solidaire’s member of the Quebec National Assembly; Canadian ecosocialist Ian Angus; Christophe Aguiton, a French global justice activist and founder of ATTAC-France; and many others whose names will be released in the coming weeks. It promises to be a great launch to this exciting project of a Quebec Coalition for Climate Justice.

Roger Rashi is a founding member of Québec solidaire and sits on the party’s Working Commission on the Environment. He reported on his April 2010 trip to Bolivia in Cochabamba, A Great Boost to Ecosocialism.


[1] L.Francoeur. “GES: Ottawa se désengage,” Le Devoir, June 4, 2010.

[2] For more information, click here.