To enable corporate land grabs, indigenous peoples in Ethiopia are being driven off their fertile ancestral lands and forced into new villages where there is little access to food or arable land.
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Corporate land grabs intensify third world hunger
In many of the countries where millions are starving, multinationals and foreign governments have taken over prime land for export crops, squeezing out small farmers
Scientists: There is no such thing as "safe fracking"
The latest science confirms serious health and pollution risks with shale gas. Researchers call for tight restrictions, oppose large-scale fracking operations.
Walmart versus the earth
Walmart spends millions claiming to be green. It lies.
Duncan's First Nation: New oil spill shows Alberta pipelines are NOT in hand
"The situation that is unfolding on our front door step shows the disregard that Alberta and the oil industry have for the environment and the rights of our community and other communities."
Central America: One degree rise means disaster for one million farmers
"Even with our most conservative estimates, it's clear that climate change could transform the agricultural landscape across Central America"
The Citizen Scientist
Barry Commoner not believe that a just society could be founded on ecological principles alone, but had to take into account issues of social justice, such as racism, sexism, war and economic inequality.
First Nation challenges Shell tar sands expansion
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation says provincial government and Shell have violated their treaty rights. "We’re going to fight your projects tooth and nail."
International Coal Group: More lies told by lying liars
The mining giant lied more than 20,000 times
Arctic ice melt, psychopathic capitalism, and the corporate media
Corporate media, which ought to be sounding the alarm, continues to deny or minimize the danger of climate catastrophe. Greens and lefts must build independent alternatives.