Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Quotes & Insights
“I paint what I see,” said Rivera
Letting Go
Ernest Mandel on productivism, limits to growth, and socialist human development
E.P. Thompson on human nature and socialism
Early warning 2: Commoner on global warming
Early warning: Bookchin on global warming
Quoting Bookchin
Ulrich Beck: ‘Ecological crisis is a breach of fundamental rights’
Is capitalism 'obsessed' with growth?
Neil Smith on the fight for the unity of nature
I don't believe in charity
China Miéville on art and politics
Che: Marxism is an essential part of humanity's heritage
George Novack: The mission of humankind
Michael Lebowitz: In the beginning is the dream
Robert Biel: Imperialism and ecocide
Paulo Freire: The 'generosity' of the oppressors is nourished by death, despair, and poverty
Richard Levins: Capitalism, hunger and health
Paul Sweezy: Capitalism versus the environment
Bertolt Brecht: A song about carbon pricing
Friedrich Engels: Can humanity conquer nature?
Murray Bookchin: Anthropocentrism versus biocentrism – a false dichotomy
Barry Commoner: Pollution, affluence and class
John Ruskin: 'The real science of political economy'
"I paint what I see," said Rivera
Green capitalism? As likely as a vegetarian tiger
Rosa Luxemburg: Reform versus Revolution
James Connolly: We Only Want the Earth
Murray Bookchin: Ecological problems are social problems
Lester Thurow: Why good capitalist decisions mean ecological suicide
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews