Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Deniers
Exxon Mobil makes a multi-billion dollar bet that climate change is real
Sydney: Climate Activists Outmobilize Deniers 4 to 1
Who's Blocking U.S. Action on Climate Change?
IPCC vice-chair: Attacks on climate science echo tobacco industry tactics
Bill Maher: Global warming is not a debate
The new climate-change denialism: Who promotes it, how to answer it
Scientists defend climate research, condemn 'McCarthy-like threats'
Canadian Climate Scientist Sues National Post for Libel
The Billionaires Who Finance Climate Science Denial
Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial
Documenting Lomborg's Lies
Shocking Exposé: Socialists Oppose Climate Change!
The Lying Politics of Climate Science Denial
Has Global Warming Stopped?
A Frontline Communicator for the Denial Industry
No, We Won't Debate That …
Statistics, Damned Lies, and the Financial Post
Corporations and Climate Change: From Denial to Greenwash
"Climate Sceptics" Whine About Bias — But Where is the Evidence?
Stop the Presses! NASA Error Equals One-Thousandth of a Degree
The Sad Case of Alexander Cockburn
Denying Time and Place in the Global Warming Debate
Climate Change: A Guide for the Perplexed
How High Will the Waters Rise? Part One
Climate Change Denial: The Swindle Continues
Addendum to: Climate Change Doesn't Scare the Financial Post
Climate Change Doesn't Scare the Financial Post