Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is running a series by climate activist and author Clive Hamilton on the bullying, lies and funding behind right-wing climate denial …

  1. Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial
  2. Who is orchestrating the cyber-bullying?
  3. Think tanks, oil money and black ops
  4. Manufacturing a science scandal
  5. Who’s defending science?.

(Thanks to Duroyan Fertl for alerting us to this)

1 Comment

  • I guess not surprisingly, the number of commentors on his articles is staggering. Many many many are vehement posts from deniers. And yes, of course I’m biased – I think Clive writes in a very credible balanced way that mirrors reality as I know it. Obviously this is not so for many many people worldwide, for whom the word ‘fulmination’ springs to mind in terms of their response to balanced discussion of future risks.