Not just renewable energy, but global system change! A call to arms for a transformative approach...
Tag - Martin Empson
‘An important contribution to the fight to stop capitalist...
Book review and full video of meeting to launch 'System Change Not Climate Change: A Revolutionary...
Barry Commoner: The systems we depend on are upside down
Decades ago, he showed that environmental, energy and economic crises had a common cause: a system...
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2019
Marxist environmental essays ... Science and the Anthropocene ... Is disaster avoidable? ...
Environment, Labor, and Capitalism at Sea
A compelling first-hand study shows that fishing is a deadly occupation because capitalism forces...
Biofuels: A pseudo-green scam that only enriches agribusiness
Ethanol and biodiesel boost corporate profits while doing nothing to solve the world's growing...