How the global nitrogen cycle has been disrupted by an economic system that values profits more...
Tag - Ian Angus
How Capitalism ‘Solved’ the Nitrogen Crisis (continued)
Part Four of Ian Angus’s examination of the disruption of the global nitrogen cycle by an economic...
Millions of years of low CO2 … until now
In Facing the Anthropocene, I showed that CO2 levels are higher than they have been for 800,000...
Capitalism ‘Solves’ the Nitrogen Crisis: A Brief History
Part Three of Ian Angus’s examination of the disruption of the global nitrogen cycle by an economic...
Capitalism versus the Global Carbon Cycle
Carbon cycles regulate the Earth’s temperature and provide essential elements of life. Capitalist...
Again: Does Anthropocene Science Blame All Humanity?
New scientific papers explode the myth that refuses to die.