Ian Angus On Air

Radio Interview: Is Capitalism Killing Our Climate?

'Planet Haliburton' is a twice-monthly program on Canoe-FM in Haliburton Ontario. Hosts  Greg Roe and Terry Moore  interviewed Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus on August 14, 2017.

Authoritative annual study

Report shows climate records set in 2016. Yes, the world is warming!

The new State of the Climate report confirms that 2016 was as the warmest year in 137 years of record-keeping. Other climate indicators that set new records include greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level, and sea surface temperature. 

Reading from green to red

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2017

Six new books on climate change and neoliberalism, movement strategy, surviving the Anthropocene, science and religion, Gaia, and energy security

Book Review

Marx and Engels on ecology: A reply to radical critics

Paul Burkett and John Bellamy Foster answer left-green critics of ecological Marxism with a detailed study of what the founders of historical materialism actually wrote and thought about humanity's present and future relationship to the earth

Organizing in the Anthropocene

Angus interview: How can we save the planet?

We must understand how can we slow down changes that have already begun, which changes we can reverse, and how we can adapt those we can’t stop

Agriculture in crisis

Growing food in the post-truth era

Agribusiness giants cause food insecurity and environmental degradation, while promoting the myth that industrial agriculture can feed the world better than small-scale, family farms.

An 1862 eco-critique

Les Misérables: Metabolic rift in the sewers of Paris

Victor Hugo’s masterpiece includes a powerful attack on the urban wastefulness that steals nutrients from the land. Like Marx and Engels, he based his critique on the work of the chemist Justus von Liebig.