Ian Angus discusses the scientific developments that led Marx to develop metabolic rift theory in the 1800s, and a new generation to rediscover it the 21st century.
20 Essential Books on Marxist Ecology (Updated)
As the great American labor organizer and socialist Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones said: “Sit down and read. Educate yourself for the coming conflicts.”
‘An important contribution to the fight to stop capitalist destruction’
Book review and full video of meeting to launch 'System Change Not Climate Change: A Revolutionary Response to Environmental Crisis.'
Fred Magdoff on Climate Change, Capitalism, and Socialism
Video: What would a just and ecologically sustainable society look like? If the current economic system can’t respond, what strategies will advance our struggle?
Challenging capitalism is the ultimate climate mitigation strategy
There are no easy fixes, but to succeed, climate activists must build a broader movement to challenge and transcend global capitalism
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2019
More books for reds and greens. Vanishing Fish … Between Earth and Empire … Making Rojava Green … One Planet, One Health … Why Carbon Trading Fails
Confronting the rising tide of marine disease
Warming the climate and polluting the sea is leading to explosive outbreaks of new infectious diseases
Barry Commoner: The systems we depend on are upside down
Decades ago, he showed that environmental, energy and economic crises had a common cause: a system that demands increased profits at all costs
Gee Whiz! Communism is sure gonna be keen!
'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' trivializes the global environmental crisis with badly-researched techno-hype and political plans that don’t come close to addressing the world’s problems.
The ecosocialist views of Karl Marx – An interview with Kohei Saito
The winner of the 2018 Deutscher Prize discusses Karl Marx's radical understanding of capitalism's deadly disruption of the universal metabolism of nature.
On the future of farming and ecomodernist illusions
Some writers imagine that machines can feed the world. They ignore the damage caused by industrial agriculture, and don’t value the work of people who feed most of humanity today.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide level hits all-time high
Seventh consecutive year of steep increases leads to the highest greenhouse gas concentration recorded in 61 years of observations
What will it take to win a Green New Deal?
Canadian NGOs have launched a "Pact for a Green New Deal." Will they build the movement that's needed to win real changes?
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2019
Marxist environmental essays ... Science and the Anthropocene ... Is disaster avoidable? ... Capitalism at sea ... Beef and class struggle ... Climate and the biggest volcano
Environment, Labor, and Capitalism at Sea
A compelling first-hand study shows that fishing is a deadly occupation because capitalism forces workers to take terrible risks in order to survive.
Superbugs in the Anthropocene: A Profit-Driven Plague
The promise of a world without disease has been replaced by warnings of evermore virulent pathogens, created by the drugs that were supposed to save us.
Amazonian community’s lands destroyed for ‘sustainable’ palm oil
With 7,000 hectares of forests destroyed, community leaders and members have faced multiple attempts on their lives, threats and intimidation.
Major step towards formalizing the Anthropocene
BULLETIN: Overwhelming majority of working group votes: A new epoch in Earth history began in the mid-20th century
Fine dust and fossil capital in Korea
There is a good reason why there are blue skies in much of the United States while those of us living in Northeast Asia are choking — most of their factories have moved over here.
Fossil capitalism, ecosocialism, and the Anthropocene crisis
Ian Angus speaking in Ottawa following a tour of the National Gallery of Canada exhibit on the Anthropocene