Ecosocialist Bookshelf

20 Essential Books on Marxist Ecology (Updated)

As the great American labor organizer and socialist Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones said: “Sit down and read. Educate yourself for the coming conflicts.” 

Reading matters

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2019

More books for reds and greens. Vanishing Fish … Between Earth and Empire … Making Rojava Green … One Planet, One Health … Why Carbon Trading Fails

Book Review

Gee Whiz! Communism is sure gonna be keen!

'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' trivializes the global environmental crisis with badly-researched techno-hype and political plans that don’t come close to addressing the world’s problems.

Food Sovereignty

On the future of farming and ecomodernist illusions

Some writers imagine that machines can feed the world. They ignore the damage caused by industrial agriculture, and don’t value the work of people who feed most of humanity today.

Six new books

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2019

Marxist environmental essays ... Science and the Anthropocene ... Is disaster avoidable? ... Capitalism at sea ... Beef and class struggle ... Climate and the biggest volcano

Book Review

Environment, Labor, and Capitalism at Sea

A compelling first-hand study shows that fishing is a deadly occupation because capitalism forces workers to take terrible risks in order to survive.

Capitalism fouls things up

Fine dust and fossil capital in Korea

There is a good reason why there are blue skies in much of the United States while those of us living in Northeast Asia are choking — most of their factories have moved over here.