Three new books by ecosocialist Derek Wall ... The commons in history … The sustainable economics of Elinor Ostrom … Economics after capitalism
Latest Articles
Mrs Engels: Good novel, bad history
Well-written, but totally false, this fictional account of Lizzie Burns's life with Friedrich Engels thoroughly misrepresents their revolutionary partnership.
Foodies and farmworkers: Allies or enemies?
Fred Magdoff reviews Labor and the Locavore. Can the 'buy local food' movement support both sustainable farming and justice for farmworkers?
Climate scientists: Obama’s emission rules are too little, too late
A year ago, two of the UK's top climate scientists reviewed the regulations that Obama has now promised to impose. They weren't impressed ...
There’s no such thing as cheap fossil fuel
Australia's coal industry is propped up by huge government subsidies, despite the downturn in the global coal trade and a divestment campaign.
Why are critics and media silent on Bolivia’s green gains?
Opponents of the Morales government deliberately misrepresent its strong environmental track record, to advance their own political goals
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2015
The socialist imperative … Debriefing Elsipitog … The Mayan forest garden … Lifeblood … Endgame … Waking the giant … We have never been neoliberal
James Hansen: Sea level disaster ahead, but when?
It’s time to stop waffling and say that the evidence is pretty strong … multi-meter sea level rise is an issue for today, not for the next millennium
The Hurricane Katrina Pain Index: 10 Years Later
A decade after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, despite billions of dollars in 'aid,' the poor and people of color are still paying the price
Green consumerism is no solution
The entire premise that justice and sustainability can be purchased in the marketplace is patently absurd.