Latest Articles

Behind the noise

The phony war over inequality statistics

Methodological nitpicking obscures the undeniable fact that a ludicrously small number of individuals hold the same amount of wealth as billions of others

Energy debate

Reconsidering Nuclear Power

Socialists debate whether nuclear can generate the power needed to improve the economic well-being of the vast majority of people, without carbon emissions.

Great Transition Debate

‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ is a hoax

CSR is a public replations framework that lets corporations greenwash their public images, pretending to change so that everything can remain the same

Reading in a new decade

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2020

Mining in late capitalism; Green New Deal; The Pentagon and climate change; Big Oil vs democracy; Climate justice; Nature in Canada; History of human labor

Red and green reading

Ecosocialist Bookshelf: Best of 2019

This was a bumper year for books of interest to ecosocialists. Here are ten that we found particularly interesting or valuable, or both.

Deadly gains

A system that steals from our future

“We have been mortgaging the health of future generations to realize economic and development gains in the present"