Six new books expose environmentalism’s false friends, analyse the idea of ‘environment’, explain...
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Support the Trans Mountain protestors defense fund!
An appeal from David Suzuki: The activists who are fighting the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion...
An outline of ‘Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real...
How can socialism be rejuvenated to ensure social parity, democratic processes, and environmental...
John Bellamy Foster on the ‘Green New Deal’
To bring about meaningful change, the resolution proposed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must be part...
An open letter to Steven Pinker (and Bill Gates, for that...
Defenders of capitalism claim global poverty is declining. Their arguments are intellectually...
Why the Anthropocene is not ‘climate change’ — and...
Climate is just one part of the Earth System. If we focus on that alone, we will misunderstand the...
Indigenous sovereignty and socialism in Canada
A Marxist perspective on the mass Indigenous movement that is in the vanguard of the fight for...
What’s the alternative to factory farms?
'Farming, Food and Nature' offers a powerful critique of industrial livestock production, but fails...
Ecososocialist Bookshelf, January 2019
Start the new year with these new books for reds and greens. End of the Megafauna. Brave New Arctic...
Scientists: Climate change causing heatwaves, droughts and floods
New report shows that recent extreme weather could not have happened without warming caused by...
Ocean warming sets new records year after year
The oceans are heating up faster than predicted, and the speed is accelerating. Expect higher seas...
A Call for Ecological Medicine
The health of Earth's ecosystem is the foundation of all health. Individuals cannot live healthy or...