The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.
Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.
If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.
- The contradictions of environmental KeynesianismBill Blackwater: Some environmentalists hope to save the planet with state spending on green projects. But if their proposals succeed economically they will harm the environment, and if they are environmentally sound they will fail economically.---READ-->>
- Is 'conspicuous consumption' destroying the earth?How could socialists not love a book called How the Rich Are Destroying the Earth? Unfortunately, although it is better than most recent books on ecological and social problems, its explanations don’t hold water, and the solutions it proposes are just wishful thinking.---READ-->>
- Barriere Lake Algonquin acquitted; logging company lies exposedNorman Matchewan of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake has been acquitted of charges related to a 2009 blockade protecting his people’s territory from illegal logging. Representatives of the logging company and the Quebec government were exposed on the stand as liars---READ-->>
- Top 25 articles in the 'new' Climate and Capitalism'These are the 25 most-read articles in Climate and Capitalism, in the three months since we launched our new website in cooperation with Monthly Review.---READ-->>
- Pakistan: Free the Hunza 5, prisoners of climate changeBaba Jan and his comrades remain in prison for the crime of supporting the victims of devastating floods. They have been tortured and their lives are in danger. Supporters are calling for a week of international solidarity with these socialist activists, June 20-27.---READ-->>
- Pablo Solon: 'Green economy' versus the rights of natureHumanity is at the edge of a cliff. Instead of recognizing that nature is our home and that we must respect the rights of all members of Earth’s community, transnational corporations are promoting more capitalism under the misleadingname of “green economy.”---READ-->>
- The people of the world confront the advance of capitalism: Rio +20 and beyondLa Via Campesina position paper: We oppose the commercialization of the earth, our territories, water, seeds, food, nature, and human life. We repudiate and denounce the green economy as a new mask to hide increasing levels of corporate greed and food imperialism---READ-->>
- Tar sands: The dirtiest oil on earthThe Sierra Club has released The Dirtiest Oil on Earth, an animation on the dangers of tar sands crude and pipelines transporting the world’s dirtiest oil from Alberta, Canada, through the U.S.---READ-->>
- Video: UK pays for forced sterilization of India's poorTens of millions of pounds of UK aid money has been spent forcibly sterilizing Indian women. Many have died being mistreated, causing outrage from those who suspect Britain simply wants to curb the country’s population for ulterior motives.>>
- Towards an ecosocialist networkNew Zealand socialist argues: The left organizations born out of the sixties made great contributions, but they are no longer capable of taking Marxism forward today, in the terminal phase of capitalist development. For that, we need an Ecosocialist Network.---READ-->>
- Why 'living simply' isn't the answerThe worst environmental problems can’t possibly be solved by individual consumer choices. Collective problems require collective solutions---READ-->>
- Rio+20: An opportunity to rekindle the movementThe official meetings in Rio will avoid concrete action … but outside those sessions, this is an important opportunity to forge essential unity between the left and serious environmentalists.---READ-->>
- Canadian government gutting environment protection“The most anti-environmental government that we’ve ever had, and one of the most anti-environmental governments in the world”---READ-->>
- Another massive oil spillWhy we can’t trust capitalism with the fate of the earth … 22,000 barrels spilled into sensitive muskeg, and the pipeline company didn’t notice!---READ-->>
- As emissions soar, only radical action can stop catastrophic heat riseCO2 emissions rose 3.2% in 2011. The failure of climate negotiations in Bonn means global temperatures will rise at least 3.5 degrees Celsius, creating conditions not seen for 30 to 60 million years.---READ-->>
- India exports food while millions starveProfits before people … while 320 million of its people go hungry every night, India has become the world’s largest rice exporter, and is considering exporting ‘excess’ wheat as well.---READ-->>
- G8 food alliance won't help farmers or end hungerThe New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, launched at the G8 summit, is just cover for more land grabbing by Northern corporations. The business-driven initiative won’t tackle hunger or support food producers in Africa.---READ-->>
- The Royal Society's tunnel vision on population and povertyThe Royal Society’s People and the Planet report is rich in numbers but sadly lacking in social analysis or understanding. It doesn’t explain poverty or the environmental crisis … but it does expose the narrowness of populationist thought.---READ-->>
- The petroleum-powered propaganda machineThe corporate-funded propaganda campaign designed to hoodwink the public and prevent any concerted public action on climate change has been remarkably successful.---READ-->>
- We will not let this pipeline cross our land!Wet’suwet’en people in British Columbia condemn the proposed Pacific Trail natural gas pipeline. “We will stop them at our traditional boundary lines and prevent them from proceeding with plans on our territories.”---READ-->>