The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.
Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.
If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.
- Davos and the melting world economyAs billionnaires meet in luxury, Oxfam publishes a staggering condemnation of capital’s failure to meet humanity’s needs---READ-->>
- ‘Developing countries’ are trapped in a new debt crisisWealth flowing from poorest nations to the richest. World Bank and IMF must go!---READ-->>
- Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2024From killer insects to trash to degrowth, six new books for understanding and changing the world---READ-->>
- Do capitalists want to kill humanity … and themselves?What mad ideas lie behind capitalism’s drive towards planetary catastrophe?---READ-->>
- 2023 was hottest year on record, close to 1.5°CEvery single day was over a degree above the pre-industrial level---READ-->>
- PAUL BURKETT, REST IN POWERIn memory of Paul Burkett, Marxist scholar and jazz musician, 1956-2024---READ-->>
- An ecosocialist strategy to make 1.5° possibleDavid Schwartzman argues for an ‘Eco-Leninist’ movement against fossil fuels---READ-->>
- Introduction to the Brazilian edition of Facing the AnthropoceneImportant steps towards formally defining a new epoch in Earth System history---READ-->>
- Taking stock of COP28: Thirteen observationsFinal declaration of the debacle in Dubai mentioned fossil fuel, but promised nothing---READ-->>
- Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2023Eight important new books for the rebels and revolutionaries on your list---READ-->>
- Ecological uprising evicts transnational mining companyPanamanian socialist describes “the biggest mobilizations we have ever seen in this country”---READ-->>
- COP28: Where fossil fuel industries go to gloatAnother summit that has all the hallmarks of gross failure---READ-->>
- Extreme weather in India: A disaster nearly every dayExtreme weather events have killed nearly 3,000 people in India this year---READ-->>
- Carbon dioxide becomes more potent as world heatsFuture CO2 emissions will cause more 25% warming than CO2 emissions today---READ-->>
- Worldwide, 1 in 12 hospitals won’t survive extreme weatherRisk of damage to hospitals from extreme weather has increased by 41% since 1990---READ-->>
- Record heat driving a trail of devastation and deathWMO says 2023 is certain to be hottest year on record, and extreme weather is hitting all inhabited continents---READ-->>
- Another oil-soaked climate summit disaster loomsSouth African elites join forces with petro-imperialists at the 28th Conference of Polluters---READ-->>
- If capitalism is ‘natural,’ why was so much force used to build it?How peasants fought to protect common land and resisted wage labor---READ-->>
- Fossil fuel air pollution causes 20% of all deathsFossil fuel pollution kills more people each year than HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria combined---READ-->>
- Greenhouse Gas concentrations hit record high. Again.The last time the Earth experienced CO2 levels this high was 3-5 million years ago---READ-->>