The cynical thoughts of an ecovandal
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We're overpopulated with oil tycoons and coal barons
Simon Butler tells a populationist meeting that the super-rich are the real ecological vandals
Venezuela accelerates land reform
Since the beginning of 2011, over 2.7 million acres have been rescued from large landowners and redistributed to small farmers or turned into cooperatives
What went wrong with 'real socialism'?
An important new book examines what went wrong with 20th Century socialism, why it went wrong, and how we could avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.
Walmart pumps millions into ocean greenwashing
West Coast fishermen are calling for a boycott of the world's biggest retailer, which in one year put over $71 million into plans to privatize fisheries for the benefit of giant corporations
Canada's deadly auto factories cause breast cancer
Women working in the Canadian automotive plastics industry are almost five times as likely to develop breast cancer as women working elsewhere
Translating climate science into music
Chevron tries to hide assets from Ecuador judgment
After repeatedly failing to overturn the $19 billion judgment for destroying rain forest, Chevron is now trying to hide its vast wealth in international subsidiaries.
Who defends earth's legacy?
I stand with Alanis Obomsawin, not Joe Oliver
Should Chiapas farmers pay for California's emissions?
To peasants in the Lacandon jungle, the pending carbon offset agreement has all the hallmarks of a land grab. REDD continues the colonial assault on indigenous communities and lifestyles