300+ groups write: "It is simply not feasible for nuclear power to be a part of a sustainable, safe and affordable future for humankind."
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How greens and labor can win … together
Green Bans, Red Union: How a militant union and green activists united to stop anti-environmental development in Australia
The new revolutionaries: Climate scientists demand radical change
To prevent catastrophic climate change, Britain's top experts call for emissions cuts that require "revolutionary change to the political and economic hegemony"
Marxism and ecological economics
Book Review: Marxist class analysis can answer many of the questions raised by ecological economists, and ecological economics can enrich Marxism
Haymarket has good news for ecosocialists
Finally! One of the two most important books on Marxism and ecology is coming soon in paperback
The most-read C&C articles in 2013
These are the new and old Climate & Capitalism articles that attracted the most readers in 2013. How many have you read?
Mystifying Marx
Chris Harman: Revolutionary Marxism has completely different aims from the academic version. Don't confuse one with the other.
Ecosocialism as a human phenomenon
Joel Kovel's keynote address at the International Ecosocialist Conference Quito, Ecuador, in June 2013
Why environmentalists must support workers’ struggles
Attempts to solve the environmental crisis without challenging capitalism will fail — and the only force that can defeat capitalism is the working class.
Why green capitalism can’t work
Daniel Tanuro’s book is an important contribution to the fight against climate change and for ecosocialism, but parts are open to challenge