Toronto study group: Ecology and Socialism

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A 3-part study group on Chris Williams’ book Ecology and Socialism begins Jan.26 in Toronto.

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Ecology-And-SocialismChris Williams’ book Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis is one of Climate & Capitalism’s Five essential books on ecosocialism, so I’m pleased that Ideas Left Out is organizing a 3-part study group in Toronto, using it as a text. Study group members will read the book in sections, and will meet to discuss it on three Sundays.

If you wish to participate, please email

1)   Sunday, January 26, 4pm-6pm – The environmental crisis – Outlining the problem. Reading: Introduction and first two chapters of Ecology and Socialism

2)   Sunday, February 9, 4pm-6pm – Real solutions and false solutions. Reading: Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of Ecology and Socialism

3)   Sunday, March 2, 4pm-6pm – Socialism and the environmental crisis.
Reading: Chapters 6, 7 and 8 of Ecology and Socialism

All meetings will be held on the 8th floor of OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, at St. George.

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