Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Land grabbing
Maasai people protest forced evictions and loss of rights
Indigenous organizations in Peru declare state of emergency
The Dakota Access Pipeline and the Long Tradition of Resistance
‘Dust Bowls of Empire’ exposes capital’s global assault on the land
Agroecology and the fight against deadly capitalist agriculture
Africa: New evidence of ongoing corporate looting
Real agrarian reform could double food production
The Freetown Declaration on land grabbing in Sierra Leone
This land is your land, this land is fracking land
Corporations steal farmland while farmers starve
Stop land grabbing for agribusiness in Mozambique
Corporate land grabs intensify third world hunger
Opening Pandora’s Box: The new wave of land grabbing
Big land grabs accelerate dispossession of poor farmers
'Climate smart' agriculture' – another World Bank resource grab targets Africa's poorest farmers
Land privatization = More hunger
La Via Campesina to G20: Stop the land grabs!
Vandana Shiva: The great land grab, India's war on farmers
The CDM and Africa: Marketing a New Land Grab
Africa up for grabs: The scale and impact of land land grabbing for agrofuels
Essential Reading
Book Reviews