Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Consumers
Ecosocialism and consumerism
Can we shop our way to a better world?
The True Cost of Cheap Meat
Green consumerism is no solution
Corporate greenwashing on Earth Day in New York
Can we save the planet by shopping less?
Who really benefits from sweatshops?
Ration consumption or ration production?
The personal relevance of socialism
Is 'conspicuous consumption' destroying the earth?
Riots and role models
On the origins of green liberalism
Why corporate fat cats love 'ethical consumerism'
Barry Commoner: Pollution, affluence and class
Why the movement should not #OccupyXmas
Are consumers destroying the earth?
Review: Requiem for a Species Blaming individuals breeds climate pessimism
Green lifestyle choices won’t solve the climate problem
Lifestyles of the rich and hypocritical
The U.S. auto industry's Big Lie
Population, consumer sovereignty, and the importance of class
Most 'green product' claims are misleading
Superconsumers at sea
Mislabeled food and the myth of ‘consumer sovereignty’
This is agribusiness: exploiting workers and poisoning consumers
Did Consumers Cause the BP Oil Disaster?
Conspicuous consumption and destructive wealth The case of Ira Rennert
Murray Bookchin on Growth and Consumerism
Growth and Consumerism: Nature or Nurture?
Do Consumers Cause Climate Change?
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews