Martin Empson reviews Farmageddon, an important expose of the disastrous failings of the global...
Tag - Martin Empson
Why capitalism is addicted to oil and coal
'Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming.' A brilliant Marxist...
Revitalized climate movement draws 20,000 to London protest
The movement that stalled after the failed climate talks in Copenhagen 2009 is back on the streets...
The extraordinary communities that arise in disaster
Challenging common myths, Rebecca Solnit shows that ordinary people often respond to disaster with...
Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective
Essential reading for ecosocialists. Paul Burkett shows that humanity's relationship to nature is...
A Marxist view of ecology and human history
Simon Butler says Martin Empson's 'Land and Labour' is a very readable Marxist history of...