What can we expect from this so-called “Earth Summit” from a social and ecological perspective? Nothing!
Big business goes to Rio
The best thing to come out of Rio+20 could be the strengthening of social movements in opposition to one of its core ideas. The false green economy’s grand Brazilian showcase might just be the event that helps to trigger its downfall.
Kari-Oca 2 Declaration
Indigenous Peoples Global Conference on Rio+20 and Mother Earth: The “Green Economy” continues the colonialism we have faced and resisted for 520 years. We cannot allow false solutions to destroy the Earth’s balance, assassinate the seasons, unleash...
At Rio+20: Values versus prices
Patrick Bond: The Rio+20 Earth Summit under way this week in Brazil is devoted to advancing the 'Green Economy,' which is the environmentalism of the rich. For most people and the planet, it will be a disaster.
Infrastructure for whom?
World Bank and G20 megaprojects provide cheap power to giant corporations, bypassing the poor.
Leftist critics of Ecuador should focus on real enemies
Until rich countries are held to account for the economic and environmental crimes they have committed, no foreign leftist has a right to denounce the Ecuadorean government led by Rafael Correa for using the country's natural wealth to meet its...
Che: Marxism is an essential part of humanity's heritage
Che Guevara, 1960: When asked whether or not we are Marxists, our position is the same as that of a physicist, when asked if he is a "Newtonian" or of a biologist when asked if he is a "Pasteurian."
NO REDD+! – Decolonize the Earth and the Sky!
Declaration of the Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on Climate Change against REDD+. "Under the Green Economy, even the rain, the beauty of a waterfall or a honey bee’s pollen will be reduced to a barcode price tag and...
Amazonian communities occupy Belo Monte dam site
On the eve of the Rio+20 UN Conference, community resistance calls attention to Brazilian government's unsustainable energy policy
Hope triumphs over experience
WWF and Greenpeace think the European Union's failed Emissions Trading System can be repaired. That would be fixing the unfixable.
Introducing Editor's Notebook
I like the redesigned Climate & Capitalism a lot, but it has had one drawback. It's great for publishing essays, news and statements, but ...
The contradictions of environmental Keynesianism
Bill Blackwater: Some environmentalists hope to save the planet with state spending on green projects. But if their proposals succeed economically they will harm the environment, and if they are environmentally sound they will fail economically.
Is 'conspicuous consumption' destroying the earth?
How could socialists not love a book called How the Rich Are Destroying the Earth? Unfortunately, although it is better than most recent books on ecological and social problems, its explanations don't hold water, and the solutions it proposes are...
Barriere Lake Algonquin acquitted; logging company lies exposed
Norman Matchewan of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake has been acquitted of charges related to a 2009 blockade protecting his people’s territory from illegal logging. Representatives of the logging company and the Quebec government were exposed on the...
Top 25 articles in the 'new' Climate and Capitalism'
These are the 25 most-read articles in Climate and Capitalism, in the three months since we launched our new website in cooperation with Monthly Review.
Pakistan: Free the Hunza 5, prisoners of climate change
Baba Jan and his comrades remain in prison for the crime of supporting the victims of devastating floods. They have been tortured and their lives are in danger. Supporters are calling for a week of international solidarity with these socialist...
Pablo Solon: 'Green economy' versus the rights of nature
Humanity is at the edge of a cliff. Instead of recognizing that nature is our home and that we must respect the rights of all members of Earth's community, transnational corporations are promoting more capitalism under the misleadingname of “green...
The people of the world confront the advance of capitalism: Rio +20 and beyond
La Via Campesina position paper: We oppose the commercialization of the earth, our territories, water, seeds, food, nature, and human life. We repudiate and denounce the green economy as a new mask to hide increasing levels of corporate greed and...
Tar sands: The dirtiest oil on earth
The Sierra Club has released The Dirtiest Oil on Earth, an animation on the dangers of tar sands crude and pipelines transporting the world’s dirtiest oil from Alberta, Canada, through the U.S.
Video: UK pays for forced sterilization of India's poor
Tens of millions of pounds of UK aid money has been spent forcibly sterilizing Indian women. Many have died being mistreated, causing outrage from those who suspect Britain simply wants to curb the country’s population for ulterior motives...