For a more collaborative left that can grow into something powerful enough to push the climate justice movement toward revolutionary conclusions.
Greedy Lying Bastards. Don't miss it.
A powerful film indicts an industry run by liars
The skewed priorities of Hugo Chavez
Chavez wasted Venezuela's money on healthcare when he could have built gigantic skyscrapers
Hugo Chavez on climate change and capitalism
“Socialism, this is the direction, this is the path to save the planet, I don’t have the least doubt. Capitalism is the road to hell, to the destruction of the world.”
The rich and powerful of the world hated Hugo Chavez because he was symbolic of a threat to the dictatorship of Capital, a figurehead of a continent alive with social movements and millions of people conscious of their political power.
Global Capitalism and Climate Change
Book review: “A vision of an alternative world system, based on social equity and justice and environmental sustainability”
UK Greens shift left
Convention approves changes to focus on social and environmental justice
Ecosocialist contingent discusses how to stop capitalist ecocide
Video: Panel discussion in Washington, before the February 17 mass demonstration against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
The personal relevance of socialism
My friend Kamala Emanuel, a member of the Socialist Alliance in Perth, on Australia's west coast, posted this on Facebook. It's brilliant.
Montreal meeting to launch ecosocialist network
L'objectif visé est celui d'une critique fondamentale du système capitaliste et de la composition de réponses adéquates aux actuelles crises écologiques et sociales.
Like unicorns, the 'free market' doesn't exist
Let's bury the myth: there never has been, is not, and never will be a capitalist free market economy
Quebec activists unite against tar sands pipeline
Alternatives urges united movement, action in the streets
How not to change the world
Another strategy that doesn't work
Climate change boosts food bills
Last year's U.S. drought means Canadians will pay more to eat
Voices of the tar sands blockade
Exclusive video footage shot by the Texas blockaders themselves during the course of over six months of sustained resistance.
Capitalism versus Planet Earth – an irreconcilable conflict
Book excerpt: “A stark choice faces humanity: save the planet and ditch capitalism or save capitalism and ditch the planet”
We cannot shop our way to food justice
The food system is a tool for corporate profits, but it can also be an entry point for recognition of food access as a human right
Nature and the economy: Marxism in an American labyrinth
The supposed conflict between environmentalism and Marxism is actually a clash between both of those and a workerist or productivist distortion of what Marx really wrote
Washington: 50,000 protest Keystone XL pipeline
Video coverage from Democracy Now, Plus: Most Canadian media try to downplay the largest U.S. climate march ever
Carbon trading is an obstacle to effective climate action
A reply to critics of "Time to scrap the ETS." Getting rid of Europe's emissions trading scheme will let us move towards climate policy that works