A Marxist view of ecology and human history

Simon Butler says Martin Empson's 'Land and Labour' is a very readable Marxist history of humanity's relationship with the rest of nature and an important contribution to the movement for ecosocialism

Climate change drove extreme weather in 2013

World Meteorological Organization confirms: there is no standstill in global warming. Thirteen of the fourteen warmest years on record have all occurred in the 21st century, and each of the last three decades has been warmer than the previous one.

Plastic Plague

Book Review: 'Plastic Ocean' is an important contribution to broad awareness of the ever-growing conflict between our systems of production and the circle of life.

Wagering on Earth’s future

Ian Angus reviews 'The Bet,' an in-depth account of the overhyped and pointless wager between populationist Paul Ehrlich and libertarian Julian Simon.

The Myths of ‘Green Capitalism’

Brian Tokar: A system based on the accumulation of capital without restraint will require unsustainable growth, however cleverly we measure our ecological footprint.

Bolivian VP to European Left: Fight on!

"What we need is not a Europe that watches from a distance what is happening in far off places of the world but a Europe that lights up again the destiny of the continent and of the world."

How the U.S. exports global warming

While Obama talks of a clean, green future, America's oil and coal corporations are racing to position the country as the planet's top dirty-energy dealer.

The contradictions and limits of localism

Can co-ops and transition towns transform the world? The author of No Local explains why local counter-institutions won't lead to revolutionary change.