'Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming.' A brilliant Marxist critique of capitalism and the origins of the fossil fuel economy
Paris climate agreement: a terror attack on Africa
Patrick Bond: Supporters of the climate deal reached at the Paris Conference of Polluters are endorsing a plan that will kill millions
Seven objections to the Paris climate deal
Oscar Reyes: Hailed as a breakthrough and the beginning of a new world, the COP21 Agreement is long on rhetoric and short on action.
At COP21, the world agreed to increase emissions
Some countries will reduce emissions a little, but other countries will increase them a lot. You would never know this from UN and media reports.
Film Review: Are cows destroying the climate?
How not to change the world. 'Cowspiracy' ignores capitalism and rejects Indigenous peoples' concerns, while denouncing everyone who eats meat.
Ian Angus: COP21, the climate crisis, and ecosocialism
Interview with Climate & Capitalism editor: The environmental question is the most important problem that we face in the 21st century: If we don't recognize its centrality, our politics will be irrelevant.
The tragedy of the commons, the Pope, and the system
Michael Lebowitz: "The tragedy of our commons is that our finite world is being destroyed by the relentless drive for profit, by the system we must name—capitalism."
Naomi Klein’s: Capitalism versus Climate
In 'This Changes Everything,' Naomi Klein shows that industry interests are opposed to those of ordinary people, a point climate activists have had trouble communicating and been reluctant to embrace
Anthropocene: What’s in a name?
Objections to the word 'Anthropocene' are misguided.
Climate change: It’s going to take a revolution
A new video by Suhail Ilyas: The growing strength of the climate movement around the world gives us great hope, but only a revolution can save the world for future generations.
How will we get to an ecological civilization?
Capitalism's infrastructure, which is designed to dominate nature, cannot simply be taken over and used for an ecological transformation. Only a complete, root-and-branch change will do the job.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2015
Five new books for green-lefts and left-greens ... two on capitalism and environmental destruction, and three on the Anthropocene
‘Atmosphere of Hope’ bets on ‘geo-engineering lite’
Book review: Tim Flannery's 'third way' proposes techno-fixes for climate change that suppress some symptoms while leaving the disease alone.
Marxism, ecology, and the great transition
An important new essay by John Bellamy Foster initiates a public discussion on Marxism's role in preventing a global environmental catastrophe
Unions and the climate justice movement
An IWW supporter discusses how can radical activists and environmentalists work with conservative workers and unions.
Most vulnerable nations form climate action coalition
'Vulnerable 20' communique: "Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. Overcoming it is a matter of survival for people on all continents and vulnerable communities everywhere."
Fantasy technology won’t stop climate change
Climate negotiators are promising 'negative emissions' using a risky and unproven technology called BECSS. It's the wrong way to go.
Volkswagen chose profit over the planet
The auto giant only did what the capitalist system demands of every corporation: it put profit first, no matter who got hurt
FI Statement: Mobilize for change at COP21
Fourth International: There is no choice between climate emergency and social justice; it is one and the same struggle.
Anthropocene heat, part 3: A one way street to climate hell
“The effects of climate change are being felt today, and future projections represent a potentially catastrophic risk to human health.”