Radicals who attack Klein's book 'from the left' just expose their political irrelevance
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Following up on Luxemburg and ‘Socialism or Barbarism’
My explanation of the origin of an important revolutionary slogan has been widely accepted.
Why greens must be red and reds must be green
Video: Ian Angus argues for a movement based on socialist and ecological principles, to save humanity and the rest of nature from capitalist ecocide.
$88 billion a year in subsidies for climate disaster
Global governments spend more than double what energy companies invest to find new regions for oil and gas drilling, despite climate change risks, report finds
Population controllers kill more women
More women died in India this week, the latest victims of official government population control programs.
The wrong people are in charge
Class conscious blues, from the wonderful New Orleans blues musician Mem Shannon.
The naked class politics of Ebola
Centuries of imperialist plunder created the horrendous environmental and economic devastation that has made the Ebola epidemic possible.
The IPCC report: Between nightmare and revolution
Belgian ecosocialist Daniel Tanuro says the latest IPCC report has sounded an alarm that we must not ignore. Only radical change can avert climate disaster.
The rise and fall of environmentalism in the early Soviet Union
In the 1920s, the Soviet Union led the world in environmental protection and ecological science. That experience, and its tragic reversal, has important lessons for ecosocialists today.
IPCC: ‘Severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts’
Eighteen key conclusions from the summary report issued this week by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change