Naomi Klein and Cardinal Peter Turkson are set to head a prominent climate change conference at the Vatican.
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Ecosocialist bookshelf, June 2015
Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis … Why We Can’t Afford the Rich … Big World, Small Planet … Unprecedented … Collision Course … Molecular Red
Net Zero is not Zero: The G7’s decarbonization hoax
The G7 'plan' is an excuse to keep pumping oil while relying on hypothetical, unproven or nonexistent technologies to save us
Full text of pope’s statement on environment and exploitation
"The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation."
Avaaz and Greenpeace spread G7 climate illusions
The G7 Summit set a political trap for climate activists — and some NGOs fell right in, declaring a victory that didn't happen.
Green capitalism: the god that failed
Book review: "Economic expansion is unavoidable under capitalism, and destruction of the planet is the inexorable result."
Karl Marx: The first ecological sociologist?
Participants in this graduate seminar "were united in expressing surprise at just how prescient Marx’s observations regarding human-environment relations were."
Peru: International labor solidarity aids fight against polluting, anti-union copper mine
What does it take to stop a transnational corporate giant in its tracks when it threatens workers, farmers and communities? The people of Arequipa, Peru have an answer.
Swiss newspaper reviews French edition of ‘Too Many People?’
Largest French daily in Switzerland praises ‘Une planète trop peuplée’ by Ian Angus and Simon Butler
Ernest Mandel on productivism, limits to growth, and socialist human development
A forgotten comment by a noted Marxist, on our collective responsibility to preserve natural wealth so that future generations can survive and flower.