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When did the Anthropocene begin, and why does it matter?

"Socialists cannot ignore a change of this magnitude, or treat it as just one aspect of our program. In our time, understanding and responding to the Anthropocene must be at the top of the socialist agenda."

Anthropocene heat, part 1: The new (deadly) normal

A temperature increase of less than one degree has already disrupted the global climate system, and this is only the beginning. Will the Anthropocene bring a totally new climate regime?

Ecosocialist bookshelf, September 2015

Six new books for greens and lefts: Gender equality and sustainable development; Diet of austerity; Disaster profiteers; Climate change and poverty; Ecological economics for Anthropocene; The 1% and the rest of us

Katrina, militarization and climate change

Militarized and profit-making approaches to climate emergencies and other crises pose a serious threat to environmental justice, civil rights and democracy